Chapter 16

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My eyes have to adjust to the light when Silas slowly undoes the blindfold, although the lighting is still minimal as the only thing illuminating the room, other than the moonlight, is a small lamp beside the bed.

I slowly flutter my eyes open and see Silas laying beside me stroking my hair.

"Hi" I whisper to him and send a cheesy smile before closing my eyes again absolutely knackered.

"Hi angel" he whispers back before placing a sweet kiss to my forehead.

I can feel myself just about to drift off to sleep before Silas brushes my hair back.

"Come on my love, we need to get you cleaned up" he says before getting up off the bed, I groan in response.

"No I'm tired" my voice is muffled as I press my face into the duvet.

"Come on baby" he says again and I feel him move me to my back before wrapping my arms around his neck so he can lean down and pick me up off the bed to carry me to his ensuite bathroom like a baby.

He sets me down just in front of the toilet and I slump onto the seat.

"Clean yourself up a bit whilst I grab you some pyjamas" he goes to leave the bathroom and I let out a noise of disapproval and grab onto his hand stopping him from leaving.

"What? Do you want me to clean you up?" He asks me and brings his hand up to rub my cheek with his thumb.

"No it's okay I'll do it, just stay please" 

I lean my head forward to rest it on his toned naked stomach, wondering when he removed his shirt before realising he must've done it when I was blindfolded.

"Okay baby. You're very needy when you're tired aren't you" he brushes his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp as I clean and wipe myself up, I nod against his stomach.

"Good, I like it" he responds and steps back as I finish and flush.

I should probably feel embarrassed that I just peed and wiped myself clean in front of him but I couldn't care about anything else other than being near him.

I stand from the toilet and take a proper look at him topless, his huge muscles defined clearly but not so much that he looks like he's on steroids, you can tell he's all natural by one look at him. But what takes the cake isn't his massive veiny arms, or his large bulge still present in his trousers or even his broad strong shoulders, it's the deep v-lines peeking out from his trousers like a clear runway directing you straight to his cock.

"Don't look at me like that Alette, you're going to set me off again" he says and turns to get us both a toothbrush from the cupboard.

"I think you already are set off" I joke and point to his sizeable bulge.

"Oh sweetheart I've only got a semi right now, but if you don't hurry up and put a shirt on I'll be solid as a rock any second" he explains as he hands me a toothbrush with some toothpaste on it and I gulp thinking about just how large he must be.

"Brush your teeth, I'll grab you a shirt to wear" 

He quickly ducks out of the bathroom before I can protest again and comes back with a large black t-shirt, and also wearing a pair of black joggers instead of his work trousers.

He quickly puts the shirt over my head, careful not to smear any of the toothpaste on it, and picks up his toothbrush and brushes his teeth, moving to stand behind me and wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me into his chest.

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