Chapter 32

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There is no greater feeling than Alette's wet hot pussy clenching around throbbing cock whilst I thrust so deeply inside of her I can practically feel her cervix.

I kick the office door open as I keep moving until I reach my desired destination.

The desk.

I drop her perfectly plump arse onto the grand wooden desk that has been passed down my family through generations.

If my ancestors could see me now, I'm sure they'd be rolling in their graves.

I lean back and wrap my hands around her thighs to pull her flush against me.

It should be a crime to have such rough, calloused skin even brush against her perfectly pale, supple silky skin, let alone the harsh bruising grip I have on her thighs. But I'm a selfishly obsessed behemoth of a man when it comes to this angel of a woman.

"You gonna give me another one princess?" I taunt her as I roll my thumb over her sensitive clit and snap my hips against hers harshly, receiving a whimpering yelp back.

"I can't. Silas I can't" she pleads with me but her body says otherwise as she arches her hips up to try and meet my movements chasing her third orgasm of the evening.

I wrap my hand around her throat and pull her into me so she has to look into my eyes.

"You can, and you will darling" I tighten my hand around her throat for a second which makes a small whine come out of her mouth.

Her little uncontrollable noises hit a sweet spot for me. Knowing that she can't control herself even at the smallest of movements or from a hushed whisper makes not only my ego grow but my pride as well.

Nothing makes me feel more like a man than knowing that I pleasure my woman well.

My hips snap forward to meet hers in deep, slow thrusts as Alette's back arches at every thrust, her head thrown back and eyes screwed shut.

Her pussy clenches every time I begin to pull out, almost as if her body subconsciously doesn't want me to leave it.

"Fuck baby you need to stop doing that or this is going to end very quickly" I grunt and grip her waist harshly to try and distract myself from the heaven that my cock is currently burried in.

I would usually pride myself on my sexual stamina but this woman is a wet dream.

"'m not doing anything" Alette says in between moans.

I hook my arms around her thighs to get more leverage to get deeper.

Alette's hands come up above her as she frantically looks for something to hold onto, a tell-tale sign that her peak is building.

I run my hands up and down her waist, trying to settle this need to touch every inch of her skin, before I get an overwhelming urge to be as close to her as possible.

I move her to an upright position and pull her practically all the way off the desk as I continue to rut inside of her, our bodies working in tandem to create a quick rhythm, rocking the desk back and forth ever so slightly.

Our sweaty chests are flush against one another as I bury my head into her neck and bite down on her creamy skin, leaving a small trail of bruises in my wake acting as my own personal markings.

My hand finds its way into her curly locks, as it always does, and I pull her head back to expose more of her neck to me. I can practically hear her erratic pulse as her clit grinds against my groin due to our close position.

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