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Hogsmeade weekend was probably the only time you would see the Marauders on time to anything

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Hogsmeade weekend was probably the only time you would see the Marauders on time to anything. Edith was shot in the face with water as she bolt up right. She looks to her left to see a laughing James Potter.

"Prongs!" She shouts jumping out of bed, she is not mad enough to lose control but she though she would get her own back in her own way and scare him to death.

So she shifts her bones cracking. Peter jumps onto his bed squealing in fear as Remus leans on the doorway of the bathroom watching, slightly amused knowing Edith doesn't lose control that easy. Sirius who is in the shower as you can hear the hot water running.

Edith snarls and bares her teeth slowly walking over to James who is backing away.

"I am sorry!" He says with his hands up "Sorry Edith, if you are in there I am sorry." He says slightly terrified.

"What's going on?" Sirius asks entering the room just in ripped jeans. His toned abs showing from quidditch practice and hair dripping wet. He looks in surprise at the wolf who is looking at James.

"Edith, that is quite enough, you've had your fun!" Remus says a smile on his face and Edith shifts back into her Pjs a smile on her face.

"You should of seen you face" She laughs imitating him "Edith if you are in there I am so so sorry!" She says laughing harder.

"A sane person does transform into a wolf after someone sprays them with water!" James asks annoyed that she had caught him out.

"That's good then because I am obviously not sane." Edith says grabbing an outfit from the side and entering the bathroom and shower for the day Walking past Sirius who is putting a plane t-shirt on and catching a glimpse at his abs.

" Edith says grabbing an outfit from the side and entering the bathroom and shower for the day Walking past Sirius who is putting a plane t-shirt on and catching a glimpse at his abs

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The marauders walk into the kitchens as they cannot be bothered to go to the great hall and want to be the first down to Hogsmeade. Edith helps herself to a slice of toast and some orange juice. The boys do the same.

"So it is Christmas coming up, and after the Yule Ball." James says matter of fact.

"If this is your way of asking if we have got each other presents and everything for the ball, yes James I have" Remus replies with sass.

"I need to get everything today" Peter sighs not liking the idea of shopping for a while.

"Same" Edith says.

"Same!" A running girl says catching up with the group.

"Lily Flower!" James says happing giving her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "Hello Prongs, now let go of my shoulders. Me and Edith have some shopping to do!" She says taking hold of Edith's sleeve and dragging her along as Lily speed walks.

"Good luck Eddie!" Sirius shouts as Edith blushes furiously. Lily looks back at Sirius confusion written on her face at the new nickname then at the blushing Edith and she tilts her head at the girl.

"Shut up!" Edith says lightly hitting the girls arm.

"I didn't say anything." Lily replies with a knowing smile. Before dragging her to Edith's worst nightmare dress shops.

Lily and Edith walk around the shop for a while. Edith trying to avoid conversation pretends to look at dresses. But Lily eventually corners her.

"When were you going to tell me you had a crush on THE Sirius Black?" Lily asks her arms crossed.

"I don't" Edith answers plainly before turning the other way.

"Edith Wheeler, you are not out of the woods that easily. Lets admit it the boys and rubbish when it comes to girl talk, so spill" She says sternly.

So Edith tells her about the growing feeling inside of her ever since the Astronomy Tower and how they keep on catching each others eyes when everyone else is talking.

"Another reason for you to look stunning for this ball, now go and try on dresses!" She says shoving a bundle of dresses into Edith's arms and directing her to the changing rooms.

Edith soon finds the dress she likes the most a soft silky fabric the color of Gryffindor. She walks out of the changing room to see Lily in a charming dark green dress.

"Wow, you looks stunning Lils!" Edith says gushing at her choice of clothes.

"You think James will like it?" She asks fiddling with the fabric.

"He will more than like it, he will probably have you firmly stuck to his side the whole ball" Edith replies laughing and showing off her own dress before buying it and going to look for Christmas presents which she successfully found.

Edith ended up meeting the boys in the Three Broomsticks where they shared a Butterbeer.

"So who has found a date to the Yule Ball?" Remus asks fiddling with his hands which means he has found one.

James raises his hand along with Remus and Peter. Edith looks around in shock.

"Seriously, Remus you said you would go with me!" Edith sighs falling back into my chair realizing she is definitely going to the dance alone.

"Oh, Sorry Blue, I got asked and didn't want to say no." Remus says patting her shoulder sympathetically.

"So who are you going with anyway?" Edith asks the boys.

"Well, I am going with Marlene McKinnon" Remus says bushing his hand through his hair.

"And I am going with Alice Fortescue." Peter finishes blushing at the thought.

Edith notices Sirius hasn't said anything. "And you?" She asks nodding his head in her direction.

"Well I am not quite sure yet." He says his hair falling around his face.

"Fair enough" Edith says with a simple smile secretly hoping he would ask her, but then reminding herself that he has that stupid secret crush.

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