Chapter 17

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**************"Hmm, is he with you in college?" asked Siddharth gathering information about him

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"Hmm, is he with you in college?" asked Siddharth gathering information about him. Jannat just nodded in yes. Siddharth thought for a second. 

"Can I meet him today only?" asked Siddharth eagerly. Jannat looked at him astonished. Siddharth glanced at her. Jannat smiled brightly.

"Why not?" suppressed Jannat in excitement. Siddharth chuckled looking at her. Soon they reached college. Jannat came out of the car followed by Siddharth and started to search for Faisu. She was looking here and there when suddenly from nowhere Faisu came there complaining. 

"Jannat, this much lately, I told you to come early we have a presentation as well." burst Faisu without noticing Siddharth. Jannat smacked her forehead and signed him to look back. Faisu looked back to find Siddharth standing there. Faisu raised his eyebrows and guessed. 

"Siddharth, am I right?" Faisu guessed confirming it from Siddharth. He nodded in response. Faisu. Faisu shook his hand with Siddharth. 

"Hi, Faisul Singhania. I have heard a lot about you and got to meet you." greeted Faisu. 

Siddharth just smiled in response

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Siddharth just smiled in response. 

"So, what are you doing nowadays and what are your plans?" Siddharth asked testing him. 

"Nothing much, finding a job and also having a small earning source, just completing my final year of software engineering. Hoping for good," explained Faisu smiling. Siddharth dragged the card out of his pocket. 

"Here is my card, you can contact me if you needed any help and about your job, my PA will inform you about it. " Siddharth said handing his card. Faisu accepted it saying thank you. Siddharth nodded smiling. 

"By the way, Jannat. Your choice is incredible." Complimented Siddharth winking and leaving them. Jannat turned tomato hearing him. Faisu who was looking at her started tensing him. She hit on his shoulder dragging him towards canteen.


Avneet was making her assignments fully exhausted in her books when Atika knocked the door and entered her room. Avneet looked at her confused. She stood up.

"Aunty if you had any work you would have called you." Said Avneet immediately before Atika could speak. Atika looked at her in disbelief look.

"You are more clever than I thought." Spilled Atika having disgusting expressions.

"Why are you saying that aunty? What have I done?" Asked Avneet justifying herself. Atika shook her head.

"You very well know what you have done. Anyways, as every house have rules, this home also does. You have to help Vaishnavi in all household chores. For now, Vaishnavi isn't home so go and clean the kitchen so that when maid comes, she don't find any difficulty." Assured Atika in sweet coated tone. Avneet looked at her.

"I have already done everything aunty. It's my home as well and I know my duties." Avneet said. Atika tugged Avneet's hair behind her ear.

"Better you know your worth too. Hmm?" Taunted Atika and left the room. Avneet had anger and tears in her eyes. She just sat down and held her head. Suddenly, she got a call. She picked the phone to see Fiza calling her. She got astonished and confused but then too thinking for a while she attend the call.

"Hello?" Avneet said confirming if it was Fiza calling.

"Hi Avneet di, how are you?" Asked Fiza on the other side excited.

"Hi Avneet di, how are you?" Asked Fiza on the other side excited

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