Chapter 34

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************After a peaceful night, it was morning and unexpectedly Siddharth did breakfast sitting with everyone

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After a peaceful night, it was morning and unexpectedly Siddharth did breakfast sitting with everyone. Currently, it was noon and Siddharth was driving the car to reach the meeting on time when his phone rang. He looked at it and saw the caller. It was an unknown number but he cared less and picked it up.

"Hello? Who is it?" Asked Siddharth picking the call. It was a male voice.

"Hi, it's Faisu. The boy whom Jannat made us met." Introduced Faisu on the other hand of phone.

"Ya, I remember. How is your studies going?" Asked Siddharth in a friendly way but Faisu was in hurry.

"We don't have time for this, I need to tell you something. Two men were following Jannat." Informed Faisu on the phone. Siddharth immediately parked the car.

"Which men Faisu?" Asked Siddharth in confusion.

"They were wearing masks, I stopped them to investigate but they denied. They said they weren't following her. I even fought with them but then too they said the same thing.  Jannat also found it awkward but ignored it. Now also as it was home time, I saw the same men following her as she walks towards the bus stop." Explained Faisu.

"Do one thing you know the route Jannat's follows. Go behind her and check who they actually are and inform me. Alright?" Advised Siddharth dragging the key along with him. He walked into a tall building where the meeting was supposed to happen.


It was evening till now, but unfortunately Jannat didn't return home yet. Atika was sitting on the couch impatiently waiting for her daughter but unfortunately her phone was also switched off. She was continuously patting her leg while Mr.Sharm was pacing here and there contacting every possible person he could. Avneet and Vaishnavi were also there looking at each other or consoling Atika but nothing was working. That's when Siddharth and Abhishek stepped inside the home. They saw them sitting worried. Both looked at each other.

"What happened here? You all look tense." Asked Abhishek sitting beside Vaishnavi while Siddharth also sat beside her side hugging her. Avneet smiled looking at their cuteness. Vaishnavi kissed Siddharth's cheek which made Avneet's eyes go wide open and cheeks pink. She was looking here and there when Siddharth looked at her. He was smirking when Avneet glanced at him but then looked away showing she didn't saw him.

"Jannat isn't home till now." Informed Mr.Sharma tensed which dragged Siddharth's attention. He looked at him in shock.

"What!!" Yelled Abhishek astonished. Siddharth remembered suddenly the call Faisu did to him.

"I'll be right back." Excused Siddharth going to the lawn calling someone. The call was picked up after 2 to 3 rings.

"Hello, Faisu. Is Jannat with you?" Questioned Siddharth confirming.

"No, why? Is everything fine?" Asked Faisu unaware of everything.

"Faisu, Jannat isn't home till now?" Informed Siddharth which shocked Faisu to the core.

"But I went behind her as you said and she was there sitting waiting for the bus. I didn't left her alone till the bus come and she sat in the bus infront of me." Explained Faisu getting up from his chair in worry.

"What are you saying Faisu? If, if she sat in the bus then how come she isn't home where is she then?" Sounded Siddharth panicked.

"I doubt those men. I am 100% sure they are somewhere involved in it." Spoke Faisu in confidence. Siddharth rubbed his temples in tension. His best friend was missing and it's not he was not worried but also scared for her now. He went inside dropping the call and stood there only, thinking to tell them or not but the thing is nothing was confirmed it. Just then Atika's phone rang. She got silent seeing the caller Id. It was her spy men calling her. Everyone noticed her not picking the call.

"What happened aunty? Pick the phone. It may be from the kidnapper." Advised Abhishek to which Atika looked at him in shock. She picked the call.

"Your daughter is with us. We need our due payment till tomorrow otherwise your daughter will see the worse night of her life." Threatned Arjun on the phone and the phone fell from her hands and she fainted due to shock.

" Threatned Arjun on the phone and the phone fell from her hands and she fainted due to shock

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