Chapter 20

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****************Avneet hid behind Siddharth in fear

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Avneet hid behind Siddharth in fear. Siddharth was also now a little afraid but was composing himself for Avni.

"What do you want now?" demanded Siddharth in a feared voice. Ramesh smirked keeping the gun on the table.

"Something which I wanted is now with you." Declared Ramesh taking his seat and sitting on the chair like a boss. This rose Siddharth's anger.

"Talk about Avneet with respect. She is my wife now. Understood?" Ranged Siddharth in anger. Ramesh's face went cold.

"Siddharth let's leave from here. Please!" whispered Avneet which only Siddharth could hear but unfortunately Ramesh also heard it. He dragged Avneet's hand but was stopped by Siddharth.

"Do not touch her." warned Siddharth keeping his hand on Ramesh's. Ramesh pushed him and due to sudden action he fell on the table hurting his waist. Ramesh was forcefully dragging Avneet when Siddharth came and punched him on his face Ramesh fell and left Avneet's hand immediately.

Ramesh also punched Siddharth which made his forehead bleed from one side. Siddharth also again punched him and this time the punch was so hard that blood started to ooze from Ramesh's lip and cheek. Ramesh finally dragged the gun from the table and aimed it on Siddharth but Avneet came in between seeing the gun.

"Avneet get aside!" Ordered Siddharth in a low voice. Avneet just nodded in no being a crying mess. Siddharth dragged Avneet's hand and pulled her at his back.

"Look Ramesh the thing you want is not possible now. She is my wife." Said Siddharth with a calm voice trying to calm the situation.

"But we can share a girl." said Ramesh which Siddharth couldn't tolerate and held his collar with both hands and both were ranging at each other. Avneet was continuously yelling to stop but there was a mess created.

Suddenly two gun shots were heard. Everyone froze at their place and Avneet's heartbeat started racing at high speed. Suddenly Siddharth fell down with his shirt all drained in blood. Avneet covered her mouth in shock and fear. She was continuously glancing Ramesh and then Siddharth. Ramesh again dragged Avneet's hand forcefully but this time she slapped him so hard across his cheek that the echo was heard. As there was no one but only one to two families which ran away long time ago. The waiters were inside the hotel looking at the scene. The gun fell down from Ramesh's hand as Avneet slapped him. Avneet quickly dragged the gun and aimed at Ramesh. He got terrified.

"Look Avneet, we can....." before he could continue he was cut off by Avneet herself.

"Shut up, just shut up, don't take my name from your dirty mouth and you dare to hurt my Siddharth today I won't leave you. You will be killed by my bare hands and your body will be eaten by wild dogs." Threatened Avneet with wide eyes glaring at him furiously. Ramesh again opened his mouth to say but was cut of by Avneet as she shooted on his chest. He looked up at her. She again shooted two more bullets to his men and then to more bullets on Ramesh.

The gun immediately fell on the ground from Avneet's hands and she started scanning her hands. She couldn't believe how she just killed Ramesh by her own hands. She covered her mouth in shock. Tears were falling from her eyes like a waterfall. That's when her eyes fell on Siddharth who was groaning in pain.

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