chapter 37( Man to Man: A Connection Unveiled)

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I have in my hands Alyza's biopsy report... As I am studying it, I have an incoming call from an unknown number. When I received it, it was Sarmiento on the other line.

"Yes, I'll be there at 9:00eve," I said confirming

I arrived at our meeting place ten minutes before 9:00, and Sarmiento was already there waiting...

When he saw me approaching, he motioned to the waiter showing his wineglass...

"It's with me," I said 

"How was it?" Sarmiento

"Not good," I replied

"How could I be of help?" Sarmiento

"I don't know... But here is the result and the treatment plan,"

"Sure, I'll listen,"

"The biopsy shows that the cyst is though small in size but it's aggressive, it tends to spread faster to any part of the body,"

"What? Why that sudden?"

"I don't know,"

"Any remedy?"

"She needs to undergo chemotherapy,"

"How long?"

"Recommended a 7 cycle of therapy every 21 days,"

"Around 7 months?"

"Yes, only for the chemotherapy,"

"What? Is there anything more?"

"She is also HER2 positive,"


"She needs to be treated with Herceptin, simultaneous with chemo, and an additional 12 months of therapy after the chemo,"

" other way?"

"The only way science and technology have for these times to offer,"

"So, the treatment will take more or less 19 months?"

"Not only that, she has to undergo 33 fractions of radiation therapy, two months if without any interruptions"

"Oh no! How would it be administered?"

"That's for 5 days a week...meaning, Monday to Friday. On Saturday and Sunday rest, the same schedule until 33 fractions will be completed."

"What is the guarantee of survival?"

"Many were fortunate enough, many survived...but no one can guarantee, only heaven knows,"

"Who will be her attending physician +  oncologist?"

"I'll be her oncologist and I will be her rad-onco too..."

"So aside from surgeon/neurosurgeon, you are an oncologist too?"

"Modesty aside, yes...and rad-onco too, we are just three rad-onco licensed to administer and supervise radiation therapy in entire regions of 11 and 12."

"Please do your best, save her,"

"I will exhaust all my capacity without you asking me, but, though it's breaking to say - only God knows,"

Let Me Love You Forever (LCB Stories2: Raphael Mondragon Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon