Baby side-piece

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Imagine trying trick yourself into thinking dating your boss could actually work. That's how into this woman I actually was, she was on my mind 24/7. I was driving to work the next morning and still thinking about ways to normalise going out with her. Being ahead of time for once was probably the culprit as to why my mind started concocting all these thoughts about it. After I felt my body heat up just thinking about her, I tried to push her away, but then Del entered my tangled mind instead. Urgh, what is my life, I grumbled to myself. This was supposed to be my big break, and all I could think about was women women women. Oh and of course it was always women I can't have. I needed a hook up Godammit, I hadn't had one since I last went out 3 weeks ago. I scraped into a parking spot, not concentrating on anything going on around me as I entered the building 5 minutes early.

"Come here Tiger, I need to borrow you for a sec!" Rupert always cheered me up, so I dashed over, eager to see him.

"Ok so I matched with 2 guys on tinder and accidentally arranged dates with them on the same night, which one should I cancel on?"

"Rupert you naughty boy! It's ok I'm good at this show me photos." Both men looked pretty similar, and so I read their profiles instead. "Ok, ditch number 2, he's used a quote in his bio and it makes me want to gag."

"Thanks babe, you're a doll!" 

"Anytime, see you later!"

The morning was fairly slow, Miss Bardot was pleasant as per, and I managed to get out some decent flirty lines before I put my head down and started to work. I needed to take some dry cleaning from Del as well as Miss Bardot's clothing for tomorrow, so I did that after about 2 hours desk work. I knocked this time, in case my favourite girl Alison was about. 

"Come in." Her voice was like honey, she sounded so sweet. I entered and she was writing on her desk, back turned to me. 

"Is baby side piece on the rampage?" I joked, closing the door behind me.

"Not today I hope," she sighed, smiling at me as she turned to face me.

"Ouch on her behalf, what did you do, cancel her subscription to My little pony or take her on a date to a fairground with height restrictions?" She shoved me, throwing her head back and laughing incessantly.

"You're the worst, it's a wonder even you pass those height restrictions, you're not that tall yourself."

"I'm not, no, but bragging about being a giraffe isn't exactly any better." She started giggling again, and I smirked. "I'm 5ft 7, 5ft 9 in these bad boys," I proudly showed off my louboutins.

"You do have amazing taste in fashion, if I didn't know any better I'd assume you were coming for my job." I mock gasped in response.

"Don't uncover my plan I'd been scheming that since yesterday!"

"I won't tell anyone as long as you come with me to Dragon's Lair tonight." Her expression went from joking to flirty, and I was surprised at her sudden forwardness.


"The Dragon's Lair is the best nightclub in NY I cannot believe you didn't know that have you been living under a rock?"

"I literally have a nightclub on my block for free because I'm mates with the owner, why would I go anywhere else?" I laughed, and she shrugged. 

"I didn't know that, but you need to go out, come with me I haven't been since Monday."

"It's Thursday."

"Shut up."

"Fine I'll come. I'll take you back to mine after today to get ready, I am not, turning up alone."

"Sure, I'll see you back here at 6:00 then?"

"Later hot stuff," I finished, walking away sassily. Playing it cool was so difficult, I literally had my morning prayers answered. But I couldn't hook up with Del right? That would be so awkward at work, and confuse me even more about my growing feelings towards Sofia. Urgh I couldn't exactly go with Del and get on someone else either, that would make me literal trash. Whatever, she's hot and we like each other, if something happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't, I'm done caring. What would I wear? I always wear tight things, and love showing skin, your classic hooker without being a hooker.



"You're zoning again." Miss Bardot was tapping away on her computer, her lips pulled up into a smirk.

"Sorry Miss, I don't mean to, really."

"It's fine, and you can call me Sofia you know, I don't bite."

"You seem like you might, I just wanted to make sure." I deadpanned, and she rolled her eyes. There was one hour left on the clock until 6:00, and I whizzed through my work in 45 minutes. Sitting in my chair, watching the rest of the 15 minutes crawl by was torture, and I didn't realise how much I was staring at the clock until I heard a silvery laugh come from her direction.

"You can go Lana, thanks for your help today, I'll see you tomorrow." I didn't need to be asked twice.

"Thanks Miss Bardo... Sofia, bye!" I shot up out my chair and tried to keep a pace which didn't look too suspicious, but I don't think I succeeded, never mind. Finding my way to Del's was easy now, the building didn't seem like a labyrinth to me anymore. 

"Ready chick?" I pushed open the door, and she dropped the hangers she was holding, rushing over as I dangled my car keys in front of her like an owner teasing their cat with a toy. 

"Holy wow, a BMW?"

"Trust me, the car looks better than these keys." She flicked me in response, and followed me down to underground parking. When I unlock my car, the roof automatically pulls back because I set it that way in the summer, and she stopped dead in her tracks, watching it unfold with her jaw on the floor. 

"Told you it was cool."

"Oh my god I love it!" 

"Hop in, I have sunglasses if you want them, the sunset is ridiculously bright."

"But of course, I'm all about swagger right now look at this baby." She was speaking in a sing song voice to it, and I looked at her like she was nuts before pushing my Michael Kors sunglasses back onto my face. 

"Leave me alone, I have a dusty old Lexus, I feel like a queen right now." She wiggled back in her plush leather seats and sighed with happiness. I chucked her my other sunglasses and revved out fast, one handed. She shot up, surprised I was such a hell raiser when driving, but she needn't worry, I was good. Impressing her without killing us was my main motive, and I know that sounds fucked up, but the thrilled yelps which escaped from her as she gripped her chair tightly just made me laugh. 

"LANAAAAAAAA!" She screamed in excited terror, but I wasn't gonna stop driving flashy until we arrived home.

Damn, Del seems more interested in Lana than she originally let on! At least Alison is out of the picture, that girl was NOT nice. 😬

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