How to fall in 5 seconds

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Sofia Bardot outfit

Sofia Bardot outfit

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I scrunched up my nose, thinking what kind of person says 'enter' instead of 'come in' unless they're James Bond? My stomach filled with butterflies and I stood corrected, concluding it was for dramatic effect. I guess Rupert wasn't joking about the intimidating part then, I thought, swallowing hard. I opened the door and attempted to walk through with confidence, but when I searched the desk in the centre of the room for her, the chair was empty. My eyes were drawn behind it to a wall of glass which allowed the view of NY city to stretch for miles. My heart started to thump slightly as my eyes landed on her. She was facing away from me, out to the morning sun. I noticed her height was similar to mine, maybe slightly shorter, and her rich, virtually black hair was illuminated by the soft orange glow from the sky. My eyes travelled down her fitted grey suit to her sleek black heels which elongated her slim legs. I lifted my eyes once more, shielding them from the sun, it was so bright in the morn... Ahh, god! It's morning, you've been stood here like a twit for 15 seconds, say good morning!

"Good morning," I blurted, and winced at my choice to break the silence.

Her head turned slightly to the side, allowing me to glimpse her side profile and quite honestly, I shamefully almost drooled. Everything was chiselled and structured to perfection, almost like she had been built. 

"I'm Lana, it's nice to meet you Miss Bardot," I managed smoothly this time, beginning to walk over cautiously.

She turned fully, and we both automatically held eye contact, trying to work out each others thoughts, emotions, anything. Surprisingly, she was first to look away. Well, look away from my face, her eyes were on my body now as she moved towards her desk. I mirrored her, and she watched me strut, fixated on the way I held myself. She was analysing me, which is usually something I despise, but for some reason I liked her eyes on me, it made me feel in control, and her pull was captivating. Her arms were folded lightly over her white shirt, sleeves rolled halfway up and her forearm revealed an expensive looking watch. I also detected what resembled the bottom of a tattoo poking out from underneath her right sleeve. I raised my eyebrows slightly in mild surprise, looking up at her face again. My eyelids fluttered slightly as I took in her beauty. Her honey complexion complimented a soft mahogany eye colour which I couldn't seem to pull my eyes away from. Straight, dark brows gave an intense stare which made my knees wobble slightly if I looked for too long, and a dainty septum ring accentuated her style. I hate septum rings, they just make people look odd, but on her, I don't know... it just looked good. 

Everything... looked good. 

Her smirk at my dumbfounded stare mellowed into a small smile, and she stretched out a manicured hand for me to shake. God, she smelt like warm fucking vanilla, I groaned internally, shake her hand dammit! 

"Morning, Miss Willows," she finally spoke. "I hope you found the place ok?" I nodded, almost angry that she sounded as hot as she looked.

"Let's sit," she suggested, her voice low and powerful.

I sat down opposite, focusing on flipping my voluminous hair in her direction as I crossed my legs efficiently. I wasn't trying to get her attention again, that was just a bonus I noticed when I raised my jade eyes to hers. She was observing me in an enthralled way, taking a longer time to sit than me because she was too busy watching. The desk between us was already pissing me off, I'd known her for 5 seconds and already pined being close to her, a classic Lana trait. I tried to guide her attention to the rings on my fingers by fiddling with them, in hope that she'd look at them instead of my eyes. This distraction would cover up where I was really looking... (at three delicate gold chains layered flat against her collarbone,) and what I was really thinking... (that if those necklaces hung any lower down her chest they'd be in--)

"I was impressed by your resumé," Her voice ripped my inappropriate thoughts away from her body and back into reality. "I trust Matt's judgement," she continued, clearly unfazed by my wandering eyes. "He knows me, he knows you, and insisted you were the best I could find. The job's yours, if you answer me this."

My eyes widened as the phrase 'job's yours' hung in the air. What if I answered the question wrong and she took her offer away? 

"What's your biggest weakness?"

Ideas on how to answer this question flooded through my brain in nanoseconds, but her narrowed and sharp stare caused my mouth to open and answer almost automatically, as If I already knew honesty was the best policy in her eyes.

"Temper," I replied shortly, realising I had to expand and racking my brain once more. "Overall, I'm a level headed person, but if someone goes out of their way to irritate me or others, I flare up pretty quickly." I looked down, thinking I'd blown it, and didn't make eye contact.

"Fiery's good," she stated quietly, and my eyes flicked back to hers in surprise, not because she was still interested, but because I heard something different in her voice. It was laced with desire, and I struggled to hold a lid over my own, flushing slightly. She looked away, swivelling in her chair vaguely.

"I need someone who can level with me, tell me when I'm making wrong decisions. A personal assistant job in this building isn't just about you running around me, I need you to work alongside me."

I smiled, pleased to understand she was a proper leader. I knew all I needed to do was massage her ego a bit and then the job would be mine. Usually I feel guilt when lying to someone in the pursuit of what I want, but I didn't need to lie, she genuinely wanted us to be equal.

"So you're a leader then, not a boss?" I asked, cocking my head to one side.

"I like respect, and respect is earned through treating others well. It wouldn't matter how much money I paid you if I behaved superior, You would give me no respect, I can see that."

I allowed the last part of the comment to slide as I pride myself on my ability to hide thoughts and feelings I don't want others to know about.

"I already respect you, I'm here to help... if you want me?" Crap that came out a little wrong I hope she didn't notice.

"When can you start?" 

She raised her eyebrows in mild amusement as I suppressed myself from jumping up in pure joy and making a complete idiot out of myself before even getting started.

"Um now I guess?"

"Great," she replied matter of factly, turning her delicate features towards a Mac computer on her right. "Rupert is free right now, he'll give you a tour, fill you in on anything you need to know, come by when you're done and I'll give you a few outstanding tasks, sound good?"

"Brilliant," I blabbed like an idiot.

Urgh what was wrong with me? My body had a heat to it that didn't want to subside and I was always stuttering. Usually I'm so confident around those that I li... wait. I actually like her like her? I swear to god, I thought as I clamped my lips together in self annoyance. This crush didn't seem like it would be fading any time soon.

So Sofia's a bombshell then, it seems Lana is struggling to keep it together! Can we blame her though, imagine having to act normal around a boss that enticing? Phew, I know I'd struggle 😅. 

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