Chapter eight

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The next day was pretty much the same as any other day that I usually do my daily jogged around the park every morning then I would relax listening to my favourite music artists who inspired me to write my creation of songs from scratch on paper i...

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The next day was pretty much the same as any other day that I usually do my daily jogged around the park every morning then I would relax listening to my favourite music artists who inspired me to write my creation of songs from scratch on paper in my notebook whilst I lay down on my bed constantly thinking if i should do something exciting with my life since doing nothing in bed was about to get boring beside dancing around room playing music being as carefree as possible to get me to be in a good mood forgetting that he was my next door neighbour in a house right next to mine with only a tree separating between our houses he must have saw a silhouette of me messing about in my bedroom as he open the window chuckling to himself whilst i playing maroon five song called would i lose if i bet my heart on you.

Immediately, stop dancing around my room when i heard him clapping his hands to my dancing with a hairbrush as my microphone in my right hand sing along to the lyrics of the song face palming myself then walking straight toward my window to open it up to talk him out of keep that embarrassing recording of me dancing and sing my heart instantly regretting not just playing on the piano in silence today rather than him having all of it on footage of me having fun in my room. I wanting him to delete the clip ever so badly chucking a cushion through my window at him as he catches perfectly in his hands dropping the cushions down on his bed before walking somewhere else in his room to come back afterward holding a some words on a pieces of paper which reads lower down the volume because i want to talk to you, love.

"What do you want to talk about Greer?" I asked him.

Now waiting for him to places his paper on his desk in his room coming back to see me place my hands on my hips giving him a questionable look on my face with an raise eyebrow wondering why he wants to talk to me, he moved closer to his widow smirking at me which happens to only frustrated me more shaking my head at myself for deciding to have at ten thirty in the morning to better my mood by wanting to push all my problems aside to feel free of my burdens for once especially since schools is coming up for me because the first term back was when everyone was up to date on their schedules and i was rumours about my past my start circulating around campus. Imagine having to answer people's questions or seeing their pity looks on their faces for me will make me feel worse about myself too.

In additional to this, he raise his hand in the air chuckled at me using his surname instead of calling him by his first name not at all minding it as he seems to have his signature smirk on his face as his shoved his hands in the pockets of his grey joggers giving the vibes that he just woke up like this according to his dishevelled hairs to him not wearing any vest on whilst displaying his six packs proudly at me whereas i was a silky nighting grown with a matching robe on my shoulder barely revealing anything as well as having my hair to be up in a messy bun.

"Whoa what with the hostility here only calling me by my surname?" he responded back jokingly to me with a question.

Shrugged my shoulders exhale deeply and felt slightly less frustrated at him for watching me through his window though I was just thinking about how it was probably my fault for blasting my music out loud waking up the whole neighbourhood in the middle of the morning when I was really trying to past the time instead of being bored laying in my bed all day staring up at my Led lights looking pretty in the dark imagining them to be real stars.

Funnily, I can't stay mad at him for too long which is why I was so upset at myself for not holding my ground as I pretended to be furious at him until he shows me pictures of us sitting in a park two years ago and had over two gifts wrapped up in wrapping paper including a birthday card after that he told me a funny story about what happened to him once how he locked himself out of the house.

"You didn't have to get any for my birthday that was two months ago," I told him.

It was the kindest thing in the world that anyone has ever done for me to buy a couple of months supply of Oreos as well as give me a charm bracket with my name on it, and gifts-card to get a discount from Starbucks which made me feel awful for forgetting his name that one time coming back home from the airport to be with my family and friends yet he never judges me for it in the end.

Moreover, I think we are all broken at some part of our lives searching for an extended period to find what is missing from our lives diving into a massive minefield waiting to explode someday I hope that this feeling will all go away from me for the best, therefore, I will try to get by in life if it means faking it until I make it then it is what I will do my adequate for the most majority of the time when school starts again in one day.

"Back when we were younger, you used to get so upset about me pretending to forget your birthday and the reason why I am doing this in person is that you once said to me that things are always better with a personal touch to it" he quoted my own words to me.

I agree with my Younger Self-being so smarter than the age I was now since I was kid, I have been very wised up to the point of growing up can be hard not knowing what decisions to make or what defines me as a person even if I was a little lost on my way still coming to turn with everything whilst thinking about it, a plopped one of my Oreos into my mouth learning the art of getting by means coping with a big dent in my mind no matter how hard it will be for me to do.

A gentle breeze flew by us making me instantly shiver even if I did feel cold leaving the window open in my room nonetheless I have no problem with keeping our conversation going for even longer than it was before not to feel lonely as I will forever be held accountable for my actions of the past. Living in the present was a great way to start a fresh start in my hometown.

"I guess when I was younger that I had my whole life plan out for her and now I am just stuck in the damn awful sinking sand with no way to escape from it" I sighed sadly to him.

Reading my two monthly late birthday cards as something fell out of the card looks like a token from a carnival not quite sure as to why it was inside of the cards regardless, I think it must have been holding some kind of value between the two of us. Soon after I opened the first card to see a crushed daisy and a leaf in between the card looking like a beautiful aesthetic bookmark for my new favourite books to hold my chapter that I was reading in its place.

My phone hummed from a text message from him telling me that he has to go downside to help his dad out with the bomb fire and go to the store to buy some beef, chicken, hotdogs and sides for the barque that was going to happen at his house tomorrow afternoon right before I help Penelope my best friend move her luggage into her uni dorm room.

LG:It was nice to you but erm I gtg.

I kept on typing then deleting what was written to him trying not internally cringe at my phone all day.

Me: See you soon, Greer.

One thing that I needed to get fixed was my phone because the keyboard hardly ever works nowadays and it sometimes freezes on me too.

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