Chapter twenty-five - self-defence lessons

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My annoying alarm clock kept on blurting out loud throughout the whole house so, I decided that It would have been no use in me ignoring it was clear to me that maybe if I shut it off with a quick thump as I tried to place it back on my nightstand...

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My annoying alarm clock kept on blurting out loud throughout the whole house so, I decided that It would have been no use in me ignoring it was clear to me that maybe if I shut it off with a quick thump as I tried to place it back on my nightstand table feeling disoriented not looking where I placed it as the alarm clock accidentally fell off the table and bounce on the floor of the side of my bed before it must have broken too.

There was this feeling on the back of my mind like I must have been forgotten about some important events was on my schedule for me today not knowing whether I should just continue to go back to sleep or wake up to get dressed for it, but then I realised that I did indeed have something plan for today around eleven-thirty am not being sure what the time was I quickly get out of bed to check the time on my phone and after that, I was heading into my bathroom to take a quick shower soon getting out to get dressed in clothes to be ready on time wearing light makeup on my face only to highlight my features.

My phone rang out loud to Penelope calling it as I picked up my phone to answer it. My best friend was asking me a bunch of questions.

"Hey, I was wondering if you might want to consider meeting up to get there early or do want to go carpooling with me?" asked Penelope.

No answer from me just yet.

Penelope continued talking, ensuring me that I will be safe with all of us inside of her car"Trust me, nothing will happen to you in my car and carpooling we are going to sing to help distract you from your fears of being in a car".

I could hear Cynthia and Ambrose arguing in the background of her phone calls to me about which music should be playing in the car whereas, Tilly was just telling them to take turns to solve their argument problem as I was listening to Penelope trying her hardest to make me feel like I was safe riding in a car with them. I waited for a few minutes for them to quiet down to respond to Penelope's question. "I would like to give it a shot in the dark and be spontaneous to do something out of my comfort zone by getting in a car alongside the three of you girls and a police officer".

An exhale sighed and then I grabbed all of my stuff like my gym bag which contains a massive litre of a water bottle, washed mixed up fruit in a lunch box with KitKat bars to be a little bit on the health side even though I was slightly addicted to chocolate regardless of that I walked out of my house locking the door heading towards the car to open the door handle since everyone else was in the car. I entered the car to join them inside it as Penelope was driving the car. We started to have a great karaoke session in the car to help me control my anxiety attacks as well as play songs from the Nineties up to this year.

Penelope parked her car safely in the car park "see you have absolutely nothing to worry about and Ambrose you better tell my brother Layton to try these techniques with Lana once everything is sorted out".

Ambrose looked up at Penelope also noted what she told him in his notes on his phone giving her a quick head nod as he makes his way into the gym we are following him from behind therefore, we all looked around the place noticed that there were only a couple of people here so it was not as crowded as I thought it would be in the gym.

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