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Sometimes in those small moments of beauty in life when you feel like you are always on clouds nine for the rest of my life during finally planning those last hours of my wedding getting dressed in my bridal dress along with my bestie in the dress...

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Sometimes in those small moments of beauty in life when you feel like you are always on clouds nine for the rest of my life during finally planning those last hours of my wedding getting dressed in my bridal dress along with my bestie in the dressing room as we were both giving each other encouragement words that made us laugh at the funny jokes now, looking into the mirror as we were preparing ourselves to start stepping in the future walking side by side.

Our bridesmaids were complimenting our looks while I thought of a rather clever idea to set up our friends with Some of our cousins who were the same age as us. Not to mention that I couldn't even help but to notice how much chemistry Athena and Aaron had together.

Anyway, getting my memories back was one of the best moments in my life to keep reliving those amazing memories again and falling in love with him all again because it was one of the most beautiful yet challenging year of my life. It was October the fifteen when I saw my feelings for what it actually was towards him but it was my heart that knew all this time that my heart did belong to him.

I turned around to look at my best friend Penny."Well, it looks like we have finally made it after one heck of a ride" I said excitedly and happy to Penelope.

Penelope and I clasped our hands together when it was time to walk out of the beach house to enter inside the limousine that was driving us towards our wedding destination for today we always felt that this day would come when we were teenagers dreaming of our mister right to stand at the other side of the aisle as they're waiting for us to come closer to them with a couple of small happy tears rolling down their faces.

All of this fervour was bubbling up inside of me in my stomach as we arrived at the beach at our wedding location. Our dad walked us both the aisle before that Penelope quickly added "it was about time that we both get the happiness that we both do deserve to have!"

Slowly walk down the wedding aisle whilst looking up off the ground to catch a glimpse of him silently crying happily as he sees me as I walked further within a much closer distance to him and then I was standing in front of him when the priest says it was time to say our vows to each other and I did my vows first with my now-husband Layton then next it was time for my firecrackers of a best friend Penny for her partner and her to say their vows to each other.

I did my vows first "I wouldn't be here today standing in front of you all being the happiest woman alive if it wasn't for you. I want to thank you for protecting me from the rain including teaching me that even the slightest broken part of my life can be fixed by you and I promise to stay by you in all of your hopes, dreams and aspirations in life,"

He began to say his oaths to me. "When you went abroad for university two years ago, I felt like I was missing the key to my heart and then I heard the news about you were laying down on a hospital bed in a coma which made my heart break even more," He paused to take a second to get his emotions in check before supposedly to proceed with to where he left off to "it almost killed me so I visited you every day as well as praying for God to heal you but, last fall when you came back home it was when I know that you are my soulmate."

Our ring-bearers boys came to us to hand over the rings and we repeat this line after the priest said it.

I Smiled happily at him, "I do."

"Do you take Lana Rose Adele Carter as your lawful wedded wife, Layton Avery Greer?"asked the priest.

Following the priest's words then, he repeats similar words to me, "I, Layton Avery Greer, do take thy Lana Rose Adele Carter to be my lawfully wedded wife to love and to hold until this day forward to continuing to cherish too."

In addition to this, Layton and I kissed each other passionately for about two hours, however, we stop since it was time for the bride which was me, to throw the bouquet to the crowds of single or coupled-up women who were waiting to catch the flowers.

The second half of our wedding was held in a reception hall that was huge enough to twice as much as the number of people who were on our guest list which means it was a spacious room where everyone else can dance on the dance floor, sing, stand up on the stage for wedding speeches of our friends and family members who were telling stories of us to the crowd including the following activities on the list: father and daughter dance, the husband and wife dance, toasts, enjoying the company of everyone else around us in this place, talking among each other, taking photos with family, friends and immediately after that we were going to have our first nights as a married couple.

"Why don't we just sing the old-time classic songs?"I asked Penelope mischievously.

As we all know that at a wedding one or two more single people were most likely to be meeting their other half to have a meaningful relationship or to have a one-night stand furthermore, Penny knows exactly what I was thinking as all of us girls who took the stage to sing along with together to love songs afterwards we party hard all night during the music I couldn't help but notice my brother and my photographer were chatting up quite a storm soon they were dancing on the dance floor as well as Athena and Aaron.

Quite frankly, I can not remember the last time that we have done something so fun as this one in ages, since the finals, coursework, essays and moving out of my parent's house including every single obstacle that we have ever come across in our lives. There was this one saying when my mother told me that if you saw a shooting star then make a wish within your heart and keep it to yourself until you were almost certain that it was out in the universe before you can start to tell everyone else what you have wished for in life.

"Great idea to have one last night of fun before we both had to jet off to our honeymoon in a week or so" agreed Penelope.

My partner and my best friend's husband went to the stage to dedicate a song to Penny and I along with his friends were on the stage singing as well as dancing when we were watching this we were dying of laughter from this unprompted choreography until we started to cheer for them to show our support because it wasn't easy to beat my performance on the stage for a while, but I saw my sister Lola getting her own little happily after when Wilder gave her a promise ring.

The night was still young whilst people were dancing, talking amongst themselves and they were wishing or giving us some married advice too.

"You look more stunningly beautiful than you do every day, Mrs Greer" he complimented me, and then he swept me off my feet by lifting me into his arms.

"So, do you, Mr Greer, and where are you taking me?" I asked him in bewilderment.

I didn't get answers from him on the road to drive our new home until he park the car in the parking lot and then he told me to close my eyes when we walked into the house as he leads me up the stairs into our room for a few minutes, I was wondering what a big surprise was, to be honest, I wasn't expecting it to be a candle-lit evening in bed as he continues to surprise me, even more, when he told me to open my eyes to see where we were both standing in our room.

Honestly, I couldn't ever want more or wish for more in my life compared to what I have now, a life filled with the one who I love, starting a new chapter with my life partner and celebrating the happiest moments of our lives together.

Who could ever ask for more than that?

Taking a chance in love with him was something that felt like magic to me in my merest moments of getting a second chance in life to experience a whole new variety of life experiences and two years ago, whoever expected that I would fall in love with my best friend's older brother.

Every moment or circumstance has brought us into the present times which will help guide us into the future.

All this started with a bet!

The biggest gamble of putting our hearts at risk of falling in love with each other, and ending up giving our hearts to one another in the process of it.

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