Chapter twenty-nine

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For a second time, I was putting myself in danger when I started getting involved with this investigation which I  was being used to risking my life to save other people who I love the most such as my friends and boyfriend Layton that was working ...

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For a second time, I was putting myself in danger when I started getting involved with this investigation which I was being used to risking my life to save other people who I love the most such as my friends and boyfriend Layton that was working alongside the police officers to puts those criminals back where they belong in their prison, however, my best friend Penelope was now the one who was injured by a bullet from a handgun and I for one wasn't a fan of the hospital, especially what happened to me before the starts of the term.

I suppose this was my own worst doing for including her in my plan now, her parents were waiting patiently for the doctor to discharge her from the hospital even when everyone else was trying to convince me that it wasn't my fault for thinking we were invincible but as it turned out I was wrong about it because of those injuries as well as waiting to hear back from her doctor to get the good news.

My guilty conscience slowly eats me alive again.

"This is all my fault for taking her to that place and for telling her my ridiculous plan!"I explained, crying out loud to him.

Gently he started to caressing my face when he was console me in his arms while wiping my tears out of my eyes as he sighed sadly watching me blame myself for this mess then he lets me rest my head on his shoulder being ever so patient with me when I knew deep inside of him that he was trying to hold it all together for everyone else who was worrying about her thereafter, we were all sitting here watching the time go by so quickly, almost wondering to ourselves if she was going to be alright for the next couple of weeks.

Quite frankly, I was really glad that she was still alive because she was my best friend even though she was like a sister to me.

Furthermore, I think the moment when she had gotten hurt it had occurred to me that I was willing to make them feel the same pain and agony that she had felt or even slightly worse than that to watch those silent tears falling out of their eyes to make them understand that no one was allowed to put her through trauma unless they don't want to live to see another daylight in their lives.

"Please listen to me when I say that my sister loves you because you are like a sister to her, and no matter what the both of you go through the two of you will be there for each other," he said reassuringly to me.

Hopefully, she won't hate for me dragging her into this particular dilemma yesterday in the abandoned building since I was the only one who suggests that we should help out the police officers not even predicting that all of this was going to occur back then, but I was too busy blaming myself to not notice how her boyfriend Colin and the doctor was calling my name out to try to get my attention to announce the news to all of us. We sat here eagerly awaiting to see her again as the doctor walked in front of us with a huge smile on his face which means I just knew everything was going to be fine with a look of hope in our eyes to hear the news from the doctor.

A little feeling of hope was in me to realise that she wasn't going through too much pain when they have taken the fracture bullet out of her left leg moreover, I will look after her especially when I was the one who brought her to a place where I didn't know that she was going to get hurt even though everyone else was attempting to convince me that none of this was ever my fault because we will jump through hoops to see the other person happy.

The doctor cleared his throat and announced "you have to decide among yourself to choose who you want to go first to see Penelope Greer" waiting for us to decide who wants to go visit my best friend Penny first.

Everyone else was looking at me to suggest that I should go first to see her in her hospital room as I was sitting here thinking to myself about how she might not want to see me right now, nonetheless, they were saying that she will always want to see her best friend first and yet, she still wasn't mad at me as I walked into Penelope hospital room to spend some time with her and she patted the bed she was on to suggest that I should come to sit down next to her since she was already made space for me on it.

"I'm going to make sure that you are going to be well in health from now on because I feel so -"

Penelope interjected, "stop feeling guilty when none of this is your fault, to begin with, you didn't hold a gun to my head, you didn't fire one bullet to a limb of mine and you didn't force me to be there did you!?" She pulled me into a big hug with a smile on her face as we sit back and enjoy watching a movie on her iPad.

In the meantime, we were watching tv while waiting for her next visitors to walk through the door when we saw her parents were here to check on their daughter as we listen to her parents going on about how resilient we are going through a series of the misfortune of events to come out the other side still fighting for a chance to change the world for the better to create a new evolve future for everyone else whereas we only had done it to protect those who we loved.

As time goes by each one of our friends who have come here to see her was walking through the door to gifts her with plenty of presents whilst I was thinking about how on earth was I going to be able to fit all of her presents that I have gotten her into this hospital room since it was only in her brother's car boots as I was deeply into my thoughts on giving her gifts to her later on, therefore, her boyfriend Colin has walked into the room and I walked out of the room to give them space to talk to each other.

I was sitting down in the hospital lunchroom drinking their coffee which tasted a little bit bland compared with the one I usually do buy from a local coffee shop a few minutes away from here.

"See I told you that she wasn't going to be upset at you when you walked into her hospital room" He said to me with a smile on his face.

And then suddenly all the stars up in the sky at night seems to be aligning with the universe as it has this quick shift or change in our lives together to be an enormous amount of hope, happiness and peace in the world because all of our fightings has been paid off for in good karmic energy even if everything may seem so simple as pie right now, but I wouldn't want to test my luck any more, and not especially after dealing with two criminals, one jealous old football teammates of his and a crazy ex-boyfriend to add to your list of people who were rooting against us instead of for us.

We deserve to have extraordinary days after the raging storms in our lives that keep trying to tear us apart from each other by creating havoc on every single day of the week when we have started to realize that we couldn't spend a day without seeing one another since it was driving us practically insanely crazy which almost made me want to pick up my sleeping pills and mixed it up with vodka-lime again nevertheless, I fought the story urged to down it as if it was a jelly shot to regain my control over the situation to turn it into something else better than losing myself to alcohol.

An idea of our ideal wedding popped into my head for a while now, and I was wondering if we do it next summer after the first year of university so everyone else will be able to attend our wedding.

"Let's get married on June 25th, which we will have a summer themes wedding" he looks absolutely relief that I will want to marry him and then I explained to him the reason why I wanted it to be a summer wedding, "I know that date was nearly around the corner but the accident has helped put things into perspective for me."

People were looking at us in the hospital canteen like we were crazy for getting married this young or they were judging us for being too loud nonetheless, we didn't care about the weird looks we were getting from everyone else in the room because we were drunk in love with each other and I was on floating on cloud nine experiencing a whole nother level of high as he responded to this by pulling gently with a kiss full of passion and intensity of affection.

Tomorrow, we need to tell everyone else the good news about our wedding plans we have already sorted out all of this as soon as possible to do the booking of our venue, chapel, culinarian and invites for our wedding regardless of what dates it was going to be on. I still think that my best friend needs me right now and I was happy to look after her until she gets back on her feet for a while as well as take her out to treat her to a spa day with me afterwards I will take out to Disneyland Resort Paris in France or go clubbing maybe she can decide to choose wherever she wants to go.

Next week is going to be legendary with our bachelorette party on the weekend and another ordinary day of life going back to University to start working on all of the projects that I have been missing out on participating in for seven weeks.

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