Chapter thirty-two

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Tossing and turning in bed forgetting that he was sleeping right next to me through the storms so I sat up in bed to take the seating plan for our wedding out of my drawer in his place whilst flipping through these pages not even noticing that I a...

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Tossing and turning in bed forgetting that he was sleeping right next to me through the storms so I sat up in bed to take the seating plan for our wedding out of my drawer in his place whilst flipping through these pages not even noticing that I accidentally had woken him since I can't sleep during the storm that's raging all night long as I was done reading the seating the plan, therefore, I decided to place the file back to grab a few papers to sketch his sleeping form on the bed right next to me, as I felt his side of the bed shift a little to soon have his arms wrapped around my waist as he continues to keep kissing me along my jawline until he reaches my lips paused me from sketching him.

A sharp intake of breath when he decided to give me a huge hickie doing it to claim me as his everything slowly close my eyes to enjoy it as relax in his holds for a minute or two and then he started to press his lips onto mine for a mind-blowing kiss making out on his mattress as things got very heated quickly as possible during this moment even though I could see my future very clearly in his gazes like we were meant for each other.

"Do you always feel like a dog in the heat in the morning?" I asked him jokingly.

There was a quick pause before he started to chuckle at my question shaking his head in laughter from my use of the phrase not long after he breathe in my scent carefully hovering his mouth next to my ears while trying not to crush me from lying on the bed underneath him as his intense gaze was piercing through his eyes at me, we were heavily in love with each other that no one else can change the way I feel about him not even Marvin or the Universe could persuade me to leave him because he was my other half, my protector, my future husband and my evermore that he was.

Maybe I should tell him what happened when he left to become one of the young trained uncover agents whose jobs were to help the FBI and the police force to keep our streets safe from any criminal activities that have already occurred in the last couple weeks so I think I much rather prefer telling him the true story about Marvin attempted to make advances moves towards me moreover, I know that we could get passed it since nothing had happened between Marvin and I because honestly is the best policy and I will forever always stay loyal to my heart, protector, my comforter and my man Layton Clay Greer.

"Can't I be allowed to admire my fiancé for being the most beautiful, loving, caring, generous and passionate woman in the world!"he whispered softly into my ear, filling them with such loving words.

My deepest regret was that I didn't even seem to believe him when he told me how boys and girls can't possibly be friends anymore when one of them such as the boy was pining for the other one's affection yet somehow I hope that he wasn't going to be upset at me or did anything irrational like go out of his way to start fighting with Marvin as he would like to call it fighting for my honour which sounds like a really interesting 1876 romance series of books because I know for a fact that love makes people do the most intriguing and crazy things in hindsight to it's all about how much was the other person was willing to do anything for their soulmates happiness.

Quickly heading into the bathroom to take a shower then soon getting dressed in his favourite dress of mine that he loves to see me wears as I speeded down the stairs making a beeline for the kitchen to make him, his favourite breakfast of chocolate and orange pancakes with maple syrup in a small pitcher before I could break the news to him in a manner much more suitable than telling him face to face instead of using some all his favourite to help butter him up to avoid him going on a rampage.

"After all of that cardio, you must be hungry so I made a special breakfast and pancakes for you to help keep up your healthy appetite," I said calmly to him.

A plate of freshly made pancakes was being placed right in front of him by me on the dining room table when he was digging into his breakfast I have kept talking to myself saying I wasn't the one to be blamed for this because I do often occasionally bring up my boyfriend or the fact that we are practically engaged to each other and very delighted to be together without anyone else stopping us from getting married in the summer or the near future too.

Everyone knows what happened when a man who I thought was my friend tried to kiss me and yet he had failed to ruin my amazing relationship between my boyfriend and I wholeheartedly love each other with our very being from the core of our hearts to fill the

"As much as I do appreciate everything that you are doing right now, and please do tell me what this fuss is all about, my love" his questioning gaze met my eyes and in the silence, I try to echo out the words I wanted to say to him but he brings my hand to meet his lips as it lightly pushed against them "did something happened you when I was gone?" he asked me.

I heard the sound of someone else's knocking on his front door as I was unlocked it as I see them walk in such as all of our friends who were standing there to support me during telling him what happened when he was gone to live in witnesses protection even though they decided it would be better for him to join the enforcement agencies to help out with the now-closed investigation to build enough evidence to take the lead in the investigation and drove the criminal straight back in the custody of the police station.

Penelope held my hands giving me an encouraging smile and she began to explain everything exactly "just promise her that you won't get mad at her because quite frankly, she has been through hell and back again just to get you to return home to her".

"He tried to kiss me and he blamed me for leading him on especially when I have made myself clear to him that our love is unshakable and indestructible too" I let go of Penelope's hands to place my hands on both sides of his face as he began to unclench and clenched his fist in fury before he let out the words "I know none of this is your fault because someone as beautiful as you will always be seen as a diamond that everyone in the world wants to claim or ruins but I will never let that happen to you ever again" he said affectionately to me.

He looks like he wasn't angry toward me even though it was a very different story about him being disgruntled at the fact that someone else tried to touch me when he wasn't here, to warn the guy who dared to touch off with his deathly threats nonetheless, I told him everything from the start to finish as the vast flames in his eyes were extinguished being reduced by him looking into my eyes and he pulled me into a hug.

"You're all along that we are not broken, you and I are unconditional, our love is enough to make anything work out because we are the infinity of forever" I smiled at him.

Unconditional love is a great type of love that makes want to go through an awful lot of pain for the other person, jump through hoops or even give the moon and the Whole Galaxy along with the stars in the night sky to make the one who you love the most in the entire world happy especially if it means watching the world goes down in flames whilst you can get a chance to see the love of your life smile in happiness.

Forever might not be several years that can be estimated whereas loving him for infinitely more than a thousand years was something that can't be measured by a scale because every day my feelings for him cannot be changed by what anyone says but they will only grow and multiply by ten thousand times since I first started getting to him again from the moment I first saw him. our love heightens when the brightest sun shines through our lives to begin blossoming like a blossom tree or a grapevine being unaffected by the darkness of shadows of clouds looming over it.

He is my everything from my protector to my allies, my partner in crime and now he's my fiance too.

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