Chapter twenty-three

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The day after he had left me standing outside of the hotel I packed up my belonging to go to my parent's house during the reading week to celebrate our engagement with my family as my brother closest friends wedding day was quickly approaching the...

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The day after he had left me standing outside of the hotel I packed up my belonging to go to my parent's house during the reading week to celebrate our engagement with my family as my brother closest friends wedding day was quickly approaching the date of officially announced that we have finished every single meal plans preps for their wedding guests and setting up the venue for them to use for more than twenty guests, however, I was daydreaming of our wedding in the back of my mind when I was a kid, I always thought that marriage was a special intimate occasion for the families of the wedded ones who are celebrating their love for each other.

Ordering everyone else in the room around with my headset on my head, dressed in a leather jacket, light blue dress and ankle boots which I think suits the whole boss vibes for me especially when I was in charge of the main food service fully aware of what going to happen next instructing the other workers that have hired to consider to create deliciously also not too much overpowering on the seasoning with salt and pepper but they should try to minimise it by adding herbs and spices not to forget about the presentation should be reflecting the theme of the wedding which has been taking my whole morning.

"Lana, you have been so focused on this couple's wedding but you haven't been able to get some work done on your wedding day," said Cynthia, worried about how much work I have been using as an excuse for me not to be thinking about the mine wedding day.

As I was writing down on my noticeboard the next direction of our work here is done by next week would be the last day I would ever be planning someone else wedding menu for them since they have already sent me an email of some dishes there would have us served as a member of chefs or waiter/ waitresses at their wedding day. I don't know why everyone else thinks that I was going to have an emotional breakdown except for the fact that helping someone else with their wedding will remind me of him and me getting married someday in the future because I wish he would be here with me if it wasn't necessary for the reason of a couple of criminals are roaming around the streets.

Although, I think I would have liked to have a break from my only coping mechanism to replace the feeling of being alone without any clue what he was doing now and then, yet, I feel incomplete when he was not by my side or here to help me plans our wedding even if I knew that it would be worth a risk to marry him. I pulled out the chain of where my engagement was on as I was looking at it seems like this was the only thing that went right in my life and I soon bring the rings up to my lips to kiss it before putting it back where it was.

"It is my only coping mechanism for being bear the fact that he is out risking his life for something he had no choice but to be accepted it is the only way for us to be together without me getting hurt," I explained sadly to Cynthia.

My friends all decided to gather up to put me in the middle of their group hug to try to cheer me up in hopes that I won't be spending all my nights sitting on my bed in my room crying until I run out of tears eventually which does sound like a great plan for me at least it would numb my pain just for a while, and I think I was in hopes of getting any other works finalised by the end of this month.

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