Chapter Thirty-four

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I wrote everything I feel on paper about how much I was trying to cope with the cold empty bed or how I feel when he was taken off to the police station to be put in witness protection to be safe from the threats of violence by the prisoners who w...

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I wrote everything I feel on paper about how much I was trying to cope with the cold empty bed or how I feel when he was taken off to the police station to be put in witness protection to be safe from the threats of violence by the prisoners who were out for his blood and I was thinking of giving it to him before I burned it in an open flame to set up ablaze on my journal which was full of all of the negative emotions inside my head has created a villain in my mind but unfortunately for the most of our separation between the two of us we were able to not to touch the liquor in my parent's liquor cabinet because it was a horrible addiction to have ever had expected to be suffering from the craving of alcoholic drinks.

There were so many things running through my mind that tempted me to pick up a glass of vodka bare in mind that I have been drowning for the both of us until I realised that do not need to have a drink not when we were almost so close to beating our targets and he made me feel like I deserve to have a better life as we have started a drinking band all together just to help each other out with our problems instead of drinking them away in hope that the alcohol will make you forget them permanently.

"Hey handsome, I was thinking about giving you my journal to describe to you how I felt when you were not here by my side" I said honestly to him.

The weather was rather quite sunny today so I was hoping it would be foreshadowing this week's event to ensure me that everything was going well with the planning of our wedding in a couple of months although I was handing over my book of thoughts to him to read before I burned it to the ground and then afterwards I will be able to feel as free as a bird soaring through the sky to be exact with my heart full of joy and laughter from being able to see life a little bit more different from what I have been feeling lately in these past few months, I have finally found my other half, my soulmates, partners in crime and his name was Layton Greer.

He noticed my gardenia flower tattoo on the top of my wrists when I handed my notebook over to him to reads something that has sentimental value to me, especially in this case, my thoughts on life before I had met him again, during daring to date the campus bad boy, taking days of the university to have a tremendous week to spend together and now finally being united back to each other. He was reading my notebook as he kept flipping through those pages even though there were a couple of tears dripping down from his face and fell on the pages where he felt the most touched by heartfelt pieces of poetry and I remember those words that my grandfather would say to me which I had written down in my notebook.

It was the second time that I have met him at my welcome home party in my parent's house when I began to wander off into the kitchen with a slightly parched throat so I decided to go get a glass of water and then suddenly I heard his voice as silky smooth like whiskey not to mention his hypnotising brown eyes right when he cleared his throat and asked me" are you looking for beautiful?".

We hit up quite a good conversation even though I couldn't remember what his name was until his sister my best friend penny reminded me of his actual was Layton Greer who will soon be taking me on loads of adventures, however, I couldn't quite help the feeling that you get when you feel like you're someone else soulmate because I do get that feeling whenever I was with him.

"You felt like I was your soulmate even if you couldn't remember my name but don't worry about that, my future wife because I do feel that same way about you too," he said, smiling as bright as the sun.

The more pages he turns the more insight into my thoughts on how much my car accident and his proposing to me right before he left me with my dark thoughts for a while, but I have fought the strong urge of picking up a bottle of champagne or liquor to drown out all of my worries about him being part of a larger investigation as he has been partners up with the police department.

"You know what my grandfather had once said to me before he died was that it always takes a great man to shed a couple of tears and put his family first no matter what," we said in sync with each other.

Gracefully trying to shed some light on this moment, not knowing if I had broken him with my books full of a thousand words of thoughts about my journey through my first year at university being a student from trying to navigate my way through life again as I put the past behind me for good learning to never take anything in life for granted.

Sometimes I wonder if everything that has been happening to me in life was leading me up to this point in time where I no longer have to keep second-guessing myself not when I had him right by my side all the way and I have learned that in any other lifetime, I will always choose him despite the odds of us being too young to understand how a marriage work at the age of twenty and twenty-two.

"Speaking of grandparents, my mother has wanted me to give you my grandmother's Blue Diamond bracelet for something blue for our wedding day" he pointed that out to me, as he gives me a small blue rectangular shaped box.

Carefully opened the velvety box trying not to break it as I opened it up to catch a glimpse of the most stunning Diamond charms bracelet that was inside the box along with a little note in his handwriting that says.

Thousand times I will run to the depth of the earth for you, jumped into a hot burning volcano or stand under the boiling intensity of the sun for you just to show you how much I would burn for you because I have always wanted you so much more than you would ever know since you have come back into my life.

I bet my heart on us to last for infinity and beyond forever!

-Love Layton.

We faced time for our friends and family members to come over to his apartment so that we can be all there together as they shortly arrived a few hours later to join us for beef carbonara with pasta and Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top of the dishes. I decided to make cheesecake for dessert to make it easier on myself because they were nearly on their way here.

There wasn't a lot of time so I quickly prepped the dinners as I finished doing that I was placing the food inside the oven as well as set a timer to remind myself to take it out of the oven after I had gotten myself ready to greet everyone else by the front door and take the food out of the oven whilst he was helping me set up the table for the visitors to come to sit around the table to eat dinner and then the doorbell rang as I opened the door for all of our family members including our friends to come inside our home which seems so fitting to call it our apartment since I was pretty much always here all of the time.

"I have invited you guys all here with us to cheer the new beginning of this new beautiful era of our lives and how far we have become in life or love in comparison to how we have all started at the beginning of the year" I paused looking around the table seeing everyone smiling talking to each other with a glass of their drink in their hand ready to toast their glasses and then I said, "to a new beginnings and endeavours" I raised my cup as I take a sip of my orange juice.

Everyone else was clinking their glasses In good spirits whilst tucking into a delicious meal that I had made for this occasion soon afterwards we were all excitedly talking amongst each other about our future plans as I felt a hand on shoulder with a similar scent of aftershave that turned be my future husband and therefore I have realised that no matter how badly things can get I will always be there there for them as well as them being there for me.

There was truly no place like home at all even when we run away from our problems then we will soon start to realise what family and friends truly mean to us all because a house ain't always home without those five pillars of love, trust, respect, happiness and prosperity which we should have in the home to keep the foundation strong enough to protect for the future generations to know that they are not alone.

In the evening, everybody else had left to drive home after they had enjoyed their meal and our company furthermore, we say goodbye to everyone else but once it has hit eight-thirty pm we were clearing up the dishes with music playing in the background of the room so when we were done the washing up the dishes. We were swaying back and forth between us, as well as dancing around the house for a while until we decided to go to bed where he kept kissing the flower tattoo on my wrists and a small heart-shaped tattoo on my collarbone.

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