Chapter 64

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3rd Persons's POV

The loud roar of the engines of various sports car that were lined up occupied the whole race track, accompanied by the equally booming crowd, filling the huge abandoned stadium that was rightfully owned by one man.

"Welcome, welcome!" Jake Chen announced in the microphone. He can see the whole scene from where he was standing.

Seven anonymous riders, three laps, hundreds of spectators, one goal, one chance, and a lone winner. His eyes lingered, he found his prospect starring at him intensely. Jade Alecson Shiwon. So he didn't race after all. I wonder what he is up to. Jake Chen knew he was coming here. He is always one step ahead from Jade's plans. Thanks to a certain person. He smriked and saw how Jade's expression hardened. Jake looked away satisfied by what he saw.

Jade saw how Jake smirk at him. As if telling him that there's nothing a petty gangster can do against a guy like him. But he was too confused to let his anger get the best of him and beat the proud arsehole right now. Too many questions to be answered, and yet he is getting none. Finally, I saw you Jake Chen. The guy was tall and buff. He was indeed physically gifted. But I am the handsome-st ofcourse. And I am sure Chelsey will agree with that. Now what is my girl's relation with this man? He had some few hunches, but he didn't like those ideas. Still, is it possible? That this Jake Chen is a person from Chelsey's past? Or was he just some bored elite gangster that wanted someone to play with. But how could he possibly know about Chelsey? Yes, she is undeniably attractive. And annoyingly loud! He sighed as he remembered how they first met. The moment that changed his life. He smiled faintly. Oh how he misses Chelsey! They've been away from each other for quite some time now. And it's killing him!

Just wait, my love. After I finish this, I promise we will be inseparable.

He sighed once more and brought his focus back to the current happening. His Chelsey is eye-catching in her own way. But to be noticed by the highest class in his world, how and why? He was growing frustrated by the minute. He can't wait until Keith wins the race so he and the gang can finally put into action what has been planned for the last weeks. He just wants all of this done.

"Relax, you dimwit. Keith will nail this." Sam assured him with a pat in the back. I know, I know. I just hope that after this, we'll be able to come out successful. He said silently.

"There is only one rule in this race!" Jake raced a finger in the air. "You can either race your way to my gang, or chase your path to your death." Wearing his signature smirk, he pointed low where the racers were already waiting for the signal. "Now, racers ready in..."

Jade watched intently as the countdown begun. He kept his stare glued at his target. He saw how much authority and smugness is radiating from Jake Chen. He really needed to get through him. I'm confident of Keith winning the race. We can do this.

What all of them don't know and see, behind the doors of where Jake Chen was positioned... there stood the man no one will ever suspect to be there.

His chin was rested on his right hand, while his left arm keeps support. This will be the night that I will end this madness. He thought as he heard the loud shooting of the gun, signalling every racer to speed their ways. A Ferrari 458 Italia was leading the competition.

As expected from Keith. He is one goddamn animal in the track. Jade Alecon has some packed gang in his side. I must say, I am impressed by his determination and dedication. He is also one smartarse and a very strong and skilled fighter. But I wonder if he can handle two of his kind. His face became grim. I don't want to do this, but these gangsters leave me with no choice. And I will do everything in my will, at any cost, just to protect my sister from any harm.

"The kid is winning the race, like what you said. So what do you want me to do after this, KC?" He heard Jake Chen asked from the other line. There was a tiny microphone connected to their ears, so they can have a very discreet but clear exchange of words about the plans.

His jaw tightened. "Once Keith steps on the finish line, send your crew to our house to pick-up Chelsey. Just make sure she won't have a scratch or I will kill you myself, JC! And as for you, congratulate your victor and do your job." He said so smoothly, as if he had been rehearsing for it his whole life.

"What about the boy and his gang?" JC asked once more.

"Just do your f-uckinh role and I will take it from here." He stated seriously.

"Can you tell me again, why the hell are you helping me with this one?"

"Don't feed your bloated ego, JC. This isn't even about you. If it weren't for Chelsey, I would've beaten you up already. So you better shut your balls and mind your goddamn business." He said every word like poison. He heard JC chuckle followed by a mixture of screeches from the cars and the cheering of the crowd.

Few minutes after and another gun shot was fired, indicating the end of the game. Results has been said to him and now it was his turn to do what he has to.

He took out a phone from his pocket and his eyebrows creased as he saw the wallpaper. It was her sister and Jade. There was no doubt, the couple was happily inlove, ready to face anything that comes their way. Let's see young Shiwon, let's see what you've got. Let us see how far your love can go.

He opened the message icon and typed.

Chelsey:(because KC was using Chelsey's phone)
If you still want to see your girlfriend alive, meet me here *******.

He searched for a certain contact and hit send. He didn't even have to wait much longer before he recieved a reply.

Fu-ck you whoever ba$tard you are! I will f-ucking kill you! Don't even lay a finger on her!

What an easy target. He shook his head and strated walking away.

A Gangster's Love (CURRENTLY BEING REVISED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon