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Onika smiled when she saw me, quickly making her way to me

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Onika smiled when she saw me, quickly making her way to me. "I missed you." She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me close as she whispered in my ear. I knew my sisters were watching because I could hear Kelly making kissy noises as they walked around us.

"You just saw me princess." I smiled while she pulled away.

"You don't miss me?"

"I always do."

She dragged me away to her people. My sisters were soon to follow me after getting their drinks. Solo isn't even supposed to be drinking, she's lucky she had older sisters.

We all fit in perfect, Onikas friends were funny as hell but Robyn was pissing me off the way she kept trying to get at Solange.

Solo wasn't gay so I wasn't worried but it was still annoying. Get away from my sister. I kept my eyes on them, my sister didn't look uncomfortable so I left it alone. If anything Solange was entertaining it.

Kelly nudged my shoulder. "Wasn't she the same girl crying about some nigga she met the night before?" My baby sister was definitely a character.

"You know how she is, she might go home and cry about Robyn too. You never really know with her."

Solange saw us talking about her and turned around, so her back was facing us. She threw her middle finger up over her shoulder and Onika laughed.

"Y'all all act alike lowkey." Shaking my head, I turned into her, wrapping an arm around her waist while she sipped from her cup. "You want some?" She asked me.

I smelled the inside of the cup then nodded. I thought she would get me my own cup but instead she put it up to my lips, licking her own.

It tasted good but liquor always messes up the flavor. I crunched my face up and she smiled at me, bringing it right back up to my lips. "Take one more sip and I'll leave you alone."

I took the cup from her, drinking some more before leaning down. "You look so damn good." My hands had a mind of their own when they grabbed a chunk of her ass, pulling her closer while she blushed and pushed my hand away.

"You got people looking at us." She took the cup back, chugging down the rest. "Chill out."

"I don't have to do a damn thing."

Onikas brothers came up to us, I mean every single last one of her brothers. "Bumble you better get off my sister." Drae spoke, catching Onikas attention and causing her to turn around.

I ignored him, continuing to have my arms wrapped around her waist. "I'm good." It was about 5 of these niggas just standing around us. It felt like we were going to get jumped.

"Nic we have to talk to you."

"About?" She questions, getting her friend to pour some more into her cup. "It better not be about momma."

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