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"I've already come to terms with the fact that y'all love each other and aren't going to leave each other alone

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"I've already come to terms with the fact that y'all love each other and aren't going to leave each other alone." Onikas mother said, putting a little broccoli in her mouth.

My mom nodded as well, "It's just the men. You know how stubborn they can be."

Both of our dads scoffed and they had mugs on their face. Onikas brown raised and she looked at me weirdly.

All I did was shrug.

"Bey and I don't want the issues to get in the way of y'all being in y'all's grandkids life." They both scoffed again and Onika shook her head. "What the hell is the problem with you two?" She asked.

"That's exactly what I'm thinking. Are you okay?" I asked, more to my dad. "What's good with the noises?"

Daddy shrugged, "Ain't a damn thing."

"Stop being petty and act like a grown ass man." I replied smartly, just like him. "Genuinely I don't want to be here all night and watch as y'all hold in all the animosity. Just say what you want to now and get it off your chest."

"Exactly, Dad." Onika said, popping her neck at her father. "Y'all don't even have a problem with us anymore. Y'all looking like high school kids that got into a fight and have to sit down with the parents. It's stupid. The problem isn't because of us anymore, it's y'all's male ass ego getting in the way of your relationships with your daughters."

Onika was reading them for filth and I was loving it. I didn't even have to say anything, she could handle them on her own. Sexy ass.

"I'm just supposed to support this life threatening relationship?" My dad asked, finally sitting up.

Onika looked at him, raising her brow just a little that you could barely see it. "Now why do you think that? Because of something that happened so long ago?"

"It doesn't matter how long ago it happened. You stabbed my daughter, I shouldn't have to even deal with this right now."

"I understand why you feel like that, but at the end of the day, Bey and I aren't breaking up."

Her dad scoffed again, "Say that now, until she cheats again."

"Excuse me?" I asked, sitting up.

Before he could even say anything, Onika put her hand up. "Dad, mind your business-"

"Isn't that what we came here for? To talk right? So I'm going to say what I want."

All the ladies, from our mothers to Moin and Solange, watched as these men couldn't put their pride to the side just for a second.

"Do you not hear how you sound?" Onika asked him and a mug appeared on her face.

"Onika please. You haven't talked to me for how long, because of her?"

"She has nothing to do with why I'm not talking to you. You hid two grown ass siblings from me and took her side like she wasn't the problem in the first place. You're weird and I can't stand being around you when all you do is jump down my throat about Beyoncé, as if you're the one dating her."

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