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When I got home, it was a few minutes before 12

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When I got home, it was a few minutes before 12. I was hot and sweating like hell all not. I went upstairs and Onika was sitting on the bed, still up and Zari was knocked out in my spot.

Her eyes immediately locked on mine and she looked like she was crying. I went right to her, grabbing her face. "What's wrong, Why are you crying?" She looked up at me with those puffy eyes and sniffled. Another tear just came falling.

I sighed, bending down so we were face to face. "What's the matter baby?"

She breathed out her nose, moving my hand from her face. "Bey why you gotta be like this?"

I took a deep breath, letting her go. "Can I go shower and we can come out and talk, okay?"

She shrugged and I looked at her weirdly. Honestly, I needed to shower. I was struggling to focus and I was kinda both drunk and high right now.

She sniffed, glaring up at me. "You went to the club?"

"I did. Are you okay with that?" I asked her genuinely, stripping out of my clothes.

She shrugged again, wiping her tired eyes. "Go take your shower Beyoncé."

I just went and did what I had to do in the bathroom. I thought the shower would help with the liquor but it didn't do much. After creaming my skin, I threw on her rope and left the bathroom.

She must've put our baby to bed because she was no longer in here.

Sitting next to her, I plugged my
phone in before giving her all my attention. "Talk to me babe."

She looked around the room, like she was finding the right words and she put her hand out. "Can I see your phone?"

I nodded slowly, passing her the phone that was still on the charger. "Before I even get into that, tell me why you left and hadn't contacted me back since?"

"I saw your message but as soon as I was about to respond, my phone died."

"Why'd you even leave in the first place?"

"I didn't want you and my friends fighting."

Onika scoffed, "I wasn't going to fight Sanaii. If I wanted to, you know I would've. I'm literally pregnant."

"Ok but I know how you get behind Moin."

"That's still not a good enough reason on why you left and didn't say a word to me until you got back home at what time? Damn near midnight, claiming you were at the club."

"I was-"

She groaned, "Bey I don't care where you were! You need to think about me! I'm pregnant! All you've been doing lately is smoking, drinking and going to these fuck ass clubs! I'm tired!"

I sat back, brushing my hair out my face. "I don't mean to stress you out-"

"Well you do. Then you have the nerves to be sitting in strip clubs, playing around with money you could be using on something other than random bitches."

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