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I was dreaming and all of a sudden I was woken up out my sleep and was fighting it

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I was dreaming and all of a sudden I was woken up out my sleep and was fighting it. It definitely wasn't Beyoncé, she would've put her damn fingers in my mouth to wake me up. I can't stand her sometimes.

"Nani wake the fuck up."

I opened my eyes quick, almost jumping out of my skin when I saw Lámoin. I sat up quick pushing her back and she pushed me right back down.

"Bitch why you trash my room!?"

"Bitch why you fucking leave me!?"

She smiled, opening her arms and I pushed her again. "You think I'm playing with you?"

She tilted her head with a sigh and just opened her arms again. "I missed you and you tryna fight with me?"

I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her tightly. "Please don't do that again. We can talk it out next time, you don't have to leave. I'm sorry for how I acted, yo-"

"Be quiet. We cool and I love you." She pulled back, grabbing my face. "Bey gon be mad if I kissed you?"

I pecked her lips myself and went back in for another hug. I'm going to cry, I thought I'd really never see her again. "I love you too. Please don't leave again."

"Okayyyy Onika." I could hear the smile on her face. She rubbed my back and my tears started to fall.

"Onika are you crying?" She pulled back, holding my face again but this time she frowned. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, you did what you had to do. I'm just really happy you're back."

"I missed you Nani. I got some gifts for you and the baby downstairs."

"Did you meet her yet?" I asked, hoping she said no because I wanted to see Lámoin reaction to meeting the second kid to our trio.

"Nope. Bey just let me in and I came straight to you."

I took her hand and went to Zaris room. My baby was actually up, laying on her back and reaching for the toys hanging with a big ol' smile on her face.

I picked her up and she squealed, grabbing my shirt. "Hey baby. Look at you, just ready to be with your mommy." I smiled at her.

I remember when I used to swear I'd never have a child, now look at me. In love.

Moin came closer, looking at Zari with an adoring smile. "Can I hold her?"

"Of course." I put her in Moins arms and she actually held her right.

"Hi baby." She poked Azaris stomach and surprisingly she started giggling. She don't even do all this with Bey. That's right baby girl. We love Auntie Moin over here.

She looked at me, "She's so cute bro, she looks so much like you and nothing like Bey. Who baby this is Nani?" She asked genuinely, pursing her lips.

I nudged her, laughing lowly. "Girl you know I don't do nothing with nobody but that girl Beyoncé."

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