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When I heard my front door shut, my attitude came right back. Beyoncé was going to get her ass hurt, she keep fucking with me. We've been arguing all day, she's a fucking child.

I don't know what's so wrong with her but she loves leaving her big ass shoes in the middle of my floor. I think she just likes seeing me fall but either way, she's gon' have to get the fuck out.

She left like twenty minutes ago, saying she "wasn't gonna do this with me".... Do what? Keep my house clean?

But now she's back, for some reason.

When she came in she threw a plastic bag at me and it hit me right in my fucking face. "Oops- I'm sor-" I cut her off, chasing after her but she sprinted off.

I don't know where she expected to go because she didn't even run out of the room.

When I finally got her, I hit her exactly where she hit me, in my forehead. "You play too fucking much!" I was going to hit her again but she grabbed my arms, laughing like shit was funny.

I tried to jerk my arms back but she held them tight and stood, hovering over me. She pulled me with her as she walked and grabbed the plastic bag, stuffing it into my hands.

Rolling my eyes, I took the little box out the bag and raised my brow. "What the fuck you buy this for?"

"Just take the pregnancy test."

I mugged her, "Are you trying to call me fat?"

Bey stared at me blankly before grabbing my bottom lip, "That's exactly why you need to take it, because you know damn well I'd never call you fat." She pulled it before letting go and walking away from me.

I stared at her as she walked out of the door and huffed, following behind her. "Where are you going?"

She stopped in her tracks and turned to me, grabbing my shoulders. "Onika go fucking pee on the stick! I'm getting a cup."

With a roll to my eyes I went to go do what she said, mumbling, "You could've just said that, bitch."

"Shut the fuck up!"

I went to the bathroom and waited for Bey to come back before I peed. If she wanted to yell at me, I was going to be disobedient.

When she came in, she saw me just standing here and groaned, snatching the box from me and opening it herself.

I stared at her with crossed arms, "Maybe you should just take the pregnancy test. Cause look how you acting."

"Shut up." She mumbled, grabbing me and literally yanking my own pants off. "Sit down."

I sat, mugging. "Stop demanding shit."

She passed me the pregnancy test and I made her turn around as I peed. When I was done, I put it in the plastic cup and washed my hands.

We only had to wait five minutes so when Bey left the bathroom, I raised my brow. I don't know why, but it felt like she was trying to leave this house so I followed her again.

She turned over her shoulder and looked at me weirdly, slowing down when her face softened. Bey grabbed my wrist and pulled my close to her, wrapping her arm around my neck.

Yes, yes.

Wrapping my arms around her waist I looked up at her, "Is this so hard to do?" Literally all I want is attention from my baby.

She shook her head but spoke differently, "It's not but the way you make me want to throw you..."

I didn't say anything as she grabbed her phone on the counter and walked back upstairs. We waited three more minutes before checking.

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