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A line of high school students inaccurately lined up in front of the assembly hall, in which the next exam of the academic quarter had to be held. Everyone were discussing among themselves the expected questions that await them on the exam, checking the answers and just sharing their excitement with friends. Jisoo watched as her classmates standing nearby complained to each other about staying up all night and cramming the formulas. She also did not sleep, as she rehearsed the already ideally perfected movement in the dance, while simultaneously repeating the same formulas in her mind. Unfortunately, there was no friend next to her who could console her, because despite all her demonstrative confidence, like any other teenager, she was worried.

"Hey, Jisoo."

She heard a familiar voice next to her and did not immediately raise her head.

"Hi," she greeted briefly, lowering her head back to her textbook.

"Have you really prepared?" asked Haein, putting his hands in his pockets in a relaxed manner.

He didn't know what to expect on the exam, but he had already decided that the answer to all the test questions for today would be the letter B. Several answers would still match, which would help him not be at the very bottom of the list. Haein had already become quite familiar with many of the students, among whom were noticeably dumb representatives. Haein wasn't stupid, he just didn't need to study. And if it were not for his business, which flourished among schoolchildren with a bang, he would have left the school.

"Yes, of course," Jisoo answered in all seriousness not looking up from her textbook.

She had already stopped distinguishing letters and understanding what the chapter was talking about at all. The girl's heartbeat increased sharply, and she didn't know if it was because she was pleased to see Haein and not feeling alone in such a crowd, or because her classmates instantly began to whisper behind her back, which, to be honest, amused her vanity. Outside the walls of the dance hall, she and Haein did not communicate, even during her rare visits to classes.

"I hope you'll pass with excellent marks," Haein said with the same sunny smile and went inside the hall when the doors opened.

Jisoo froze in place. She knew perfectly well that the guy was flirting with her for one specific purpose. However, this goal did not mean that he would treat her well, because even the classmates next to her at a distance of good hearing said to each other with envy that they would like Jisoo to fail. She smiled shyly to the boy, hearing pleasant words for the first time in a long time, even if they were said in selfish impulses, and followed him into the hall.

The exam went smoothly, according to Jisoo, and she was sure that she answered all the questions correctly. Although occasionally, her thoughts were occupied by Haein, who was sitting in the next row two desks ahead of her. Sometimes she looked at him, noticing that the classmate was not at all interested in passing this exam. He sat playing with his pencil with his fingers, occasionally glancing at the wall clock, and then quickly marked the answers on the form without even looking at the questionnaire. Five minutes later he calmly walked out of the hall and Jisoo even thought, he winked at her. She was grateful to him that he decided not to linger in the assembly hall, since the results of the exam are not vitally important for him, as for her, because she was no longer distracted by his eternally relaxed smile at the corners of his lips and smiling eyes, as if he already knew in advance answers to this and even to subsequent tests at this school.

Deciding to take a break in the air before starting rehearsals, which now will be 100% priority for Jisoo, the girl left the school building and walked towards the fences at the backyard. There were almost never other schoolchildren here, sometimes the janitor swept up fallen leaves or cigarette butts cursing to himself about impudent youth. For Jisoo this place meant much more. It served for her as a reminder of her biggest mistake in life, so she often came here not even for the sake of rest, but in order not to forget that she had no more chances for mistakes.

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