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Affogato: My my Caramel Arrow you are looking quite dashing today! Like a snowflake on a cold winter's day...

Caramel Arrow: *Blushing* I look like this everyday though...

Affogato: Exactly! Hahahaha!

Caramel Arrow: you Affogato...

Affogato: My pleas-

Caramel Arrow: *Leans in and kisses Affogato on the cheek*

Affogato: *Literally fucking melts*

A/N: Something wholesome to balance out all the Affocara hate that happened on Twitter today.

Also, would you guys be interested if I made a more serious CaraAffo book? Shitposts like these are very low quality but I can write good stories if I wanted to! Also I'm itching for good CaraAffo content on this god-forsaken platform.

Let me know what you think!

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