Big News

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Crunchy Chip: *Opens the door slightly* Oh! There's Affogato! He's sitting at his desk...

Wildberry: Should we interrupt him? Isn't he doing work right now?

Dark Choco: If he is, it doesn't look like it. He's just...
*Squints*...staring off into space.

Crunchy Chip: Argh, doesn't matter, let's just go in!
*Slams the door open* AFFOGATO!

Affogato: *Nearly jumps out of his seat* Guaah! Captain!? Wildberry and Prince Dark Choco too...what in heavens are you all doing here?

Crunchy Chip: We came to talk to you! Me and Wildberry have huge news! But first, where in the fucking hell is Caramel Arrow? She really needs to hear this too.

Affogato: *Sweating* Oh Crunchy know she's just off doing her duties...

Crunchy Chip: Ah well, we'll probably tell her later. Anyway Affogato me and engaged!
*Links an arm with Wildberry and holds up his other hand with a silver ring on it* See!

Wildberry: I am quite pleased to be spending my entire life with you, Chip.

Crunchy Chip: Oooh Wildberry! *Giggles like a schoolgirl*

Affogato: Well sincerest congratulations to the both of you, but may I ask you kindly leave the room to continue doing your cringy flirting somewhere else, I am busy.

Dark Choco: Affogato, watch the tone. Moreover, how you are feeling right now is what we feel whenever you are with Caramel Arrow.

Affogato: *Blushing* What?! I-I am not that corny...

Crunchy Chip: Hahahaha! Nice joke, you're the most corniest person alive. Remember last week, when you wouldn't stop gushing to yourself about wanting to do "something" with Caramel Arrow?

Affogato: *Turns bright red in the face* W-W-Well that was about-errr umm-

Crunchy Chip: *Starts walking over to Affogato's desk* Or about the time I overheard you talking to Caramel Arrow and calling her your "sweet little noo noo"?

Affogato: *Literal tomato face* ..!!!

Wildberry: Heh. Noo noo.

Crunchy Chip: *Slams hand on desk* Or, or-

Caramel Arrow: Owww!

*Crunchy Chip is thrown backwards as the desk flips over, revealing a standing Caramel Arrow rubbing her sore head*

Affogato: Caramel!?

Wildberry: Phew, glad I managed to catch you in time, Chip. Are you hurt?

Crunchy Chip: Yeahhh but oowwwww, seriously Caramel Arrow the fucking hell you do that for!?

Caramel Arrow: Sorry! That was a reflex!

Dark Choco: And are you not going to tell us why you were hiding under Affogato's desk?

Caramel Arrow: *Glances nervously at Affogato* I was...doing my taxes! Like a proud citizen of the Dark Cacao Kingdom!

Wildberry: Under the table?

Caramel Arrow: Yes-

Affogato: *Coughs* Ehem, Caramel Arrow. You have not congratulated our newly engaged couple yet.

Caramel Arrow: Oh! Oh yeah! I-I'm really so happy for you both Crunchy Chip and Wildberry, congratulations! You two are so cute together! Have you planned the wedding yet?

Wildberry: Not yet, there's still a lot of things to consider. We are just telling everyone about our engagements currently.

Crunchy Chip: Oh oh! Let's go tell Choco Mousse! I bet they've been waiting to hear this!

Wildberry: Take care Caramel Arrow.

Caramel Arrow: You too little bros!

*Both Wildberry and Crunchy Chip leave the room.*

Caramel Arrow: Hmmm, isn't it nice that we'll be having not only one, but two new additions to the family coming soon Affogato?

Affogato: Mhm. Speaking of which...
*Pulls Caramel Arrow onto his lap and kisses her*

Dark Choco: You...both are still aware I'm in the room, correct?

Caramel Arrow: *Pulling away form Affogato* M-My prince-

Dark Choco: It's fine, you both should feel free to continue...whatever you're doing. But since you two cannot keep your hands off eachother for two minutes, I'm afraid it's my time to depart.

*Dark Choco turns around and leaves.*

Affogato:...Caramel Arrow, I'm not corny am I dear?

Caramel Arrow: Shut the fuck up, you are.

A/N: Yaaaay I'm finally at the chapters I've been wanting to write at the start of this fic

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