The In-laws

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Caramel Arrow: I know this may come as a shock to you guys and Affogato are dating now.

Affogato: *Does a little wave*

Crunchy Chip: *Spits out drink* WH-HAAAAT

Dark Cacao: *processing*

The Second Watcher: *Smiles like the proud dad he is*

Dark Choco: Oh, you two are together now..? It's a surprise but...congratulations you two.
*Leans into Caramel Arrow's ear*
But did it really have to be Affogato..?

Crunchy Chip: What!? No way you're letting him get away with this Dark Choco!

Affogato: Hm? Is there a problem Captain?

Crunchy Chip: Fucking obviously! No way am I going to let a dishonorable snake like you lay your hands on Caramel Arrow!

*Crunchy Chip jumps out of his chair to beat the shit out of Affogato but is restrained by The Second Watcher*

Caramel Arrow: *Sighing* I thought you guys would be a lit more mature about this...

Affogato: Perhaps we told them too early..?

Caramel Arrow: Suppose so but...better now than never. Now let's go before tiny breaks free and beats your ass.

*Both of them leave.*

Crunchy Chip: Wait come back here! I haven't finished talking to you Affogato!

The Second Watcher: Not so fast Captain. I am very disappointed with your attitude, especially when we are in front of the king. It's time you had a stern talking to.

*He drags Crunchy Chip away*

Dark Cacao: ...
My, I am very pleased that you both have managed to find comfort and solace within each other. I pray to the ancestors both of you enjoy spending every minute with each other, and that you love blossoms stronger than the dragons themselves.

Dark Choco: Father...

Dark Cacao: They have already left haven't they?

A/N: Wtf do you mean "Dark Choco picked up a sword and almost killed his father"? He's clearly an untraumatized heir to the Dark Cacao throne that lives with his two gay dads (Dark Cacao and The Second Watcher) and his younger siblings Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip.

Also this is the longest chapter I wrote so far hhhh
Also I haven't finished Cookie odyssey yet so if my Crunchy is ooc that's why.

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