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Caramel Arrow: Dads...brothers...I have something to tell you. I know this may come as a shock to you guys but...Affogato is pregnant with my baby!

Affogato: *Smiles*

Crunchy Chip: *Spits out water* WHAAAAAT!?

Wildberry: Careful Cherry, you may choke if you do that.

Dark Cacao: *Dark Cacao.EXE has stopped working*

Dark Choco: Wait what..?
Don't you mean you're pregnant with Affogato's child?

Caramel Arrow: Nope! Affogato is pregnant. With my baby.

I mean...sincerest congratulations Caramel Arrow. And you too, Affogato.

Wildberry: I say so too. Congratulations you two. Though the fact that you can not only teleport to your will, but can also break biological systems, is of somewhat concern. Am I the only one that thinks so?

Second Watcher: *Patting Caramel Arrow's head* Heh, guess my little girl is finally ready to continue the bloodline? Took you long enough. I'm proud of you Caramel.

Dark Choco: Dad? How are you not the least bit weirded out by this..?

Second Watcher: Who do you think birthed you?

Dark Choco: What?

Second Watcher: What?

Affogato: Carameeeel~ Can we leave now~? I'm nauseous...~

Caramel Arrow: Ah!
*Picks him up* Save it for the toilet!
*Dashes out of the room*

Dark Cacao: A- I- Do- What- So- Now- When- Con-

Dark Choco: Father, you're malfunctioning again.

Second Watcher: He must have been so happy from the news his circuit boards fried.

Dark Choco: I'll get it fixed. Come with me dad.

*Dark Choco pushes Dark Cacao out of the room, with the Second Watcher following behind.*

Wildberry: Chip? Chip are you mentally and emotionally okay? Your face has not moved a single millimeter since 5 minutes ago.
*Pokes* Crunchy? Is there a reason you're not responding?
*Pokes again* Hmm...
*Pokes* Heheh.

A/N: "Uhhhm actually 🤓🤓🤓☝️☝️☝️ cookies don't get preg-"
SHUT UP *Laser eyeses you*

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