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⚠️Content Warning: Child Abuse, PTSD⚠️

Young Affogato: *Crying* Maaaamaaaa!

Affogato's mother: What in the witches are you doing up so late brat? Pipe down already, no one wants to hear your whining.

Young Affogato: B-b-but maaamaaa...I had a nightmare...

Affogato's mother: And? What do you want me to do about it? You should grow some thicker skin bastard.

Young Affogato: *Sobbing* Maaaa....

*Affogato's mother grabs his wrist and yanks him towards her. He yelps as she brings him close to her snarling face.*

Affogato's mother: What part of "pipe down" do you not understand? Are you mentally damaged? You're lucky I don't beat you like other parents.

Young Affogato: Maaamaaaa...please...d-dont hurt....

Affogato's mother: Oh? You're still crying you pathetic pussy? Fine, I'll give you something to cry about...


Caramel Arrow: *Rubbing her eyes* Nggghhh...Affogato why are you making so much noise so early in the morn...

*Caramel Arrow looks over to see Affogato sitting up on the bed, tears streaming down his face.*

Caramel Arrow: O-Oh my witches! Affogato!
*Sits up and wraps her arms Affogato.*
Affogato are you alright? Don't worry, you're safe now, I'm here with you.

Affogato: Bu...Caramel...

Caramel Arrow: *Tightens her grips*'s alright. Everything's alright.

Affogato: *Wipes his face* Yes yes...ah, sorry for that.

Caramel Arrow: *Frowning* Affogato...why were you crying?

Affogato: I just...had a nightmare.

Caramel Arrow: Is it about..?

Affogato: Not him, her.

Caramel Arrow: Oh...
*Presses a kiss to his cheek* Affogato, when I got married to you I swore to protect you forever. I just want to let you know that you should never, ever forget that fact.

Affogato: I know...
Caramel Arrow?

Caramel Arrow: Mhm?

Affogato: I need to talk to you about something...

A/N: I honestly don't have a joke for this chapter knowing that there are real parents like this.

Also btw my a/n's are just supposed to my comedic out of pocket thoughts at 3am please don't take them seriously.

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