Dare #1

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Peter: "Well, where's the fucking fun in that?!"

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Peter: "Well, where's the fucking fun in that?!"

*He leaves the barn*

Peter: 'It's so bright out here.'

Melody: "Hello Mister! Who are you?"

Peter: "I'm Peter the pumpkin."

Melody: *Gasps* "You should come to meet the others! Oh, I'm Melody by the way."

Peter: "Alright..." 'Are they all gonna be like this?!'

*They meet up with the others*

Andy: "And that's why you have to make sure yo- AHHHHH!!"

Claus: "Andy, why are you screaming?"

Felix: "Melody who is that?"

Melody: "This is Peter the Pumpkin. I found him near the barn."

Peter: "Hi, I guess."

Melody: "These are my friends. That's Felix,"

Felix: "Great, as if I didn't already feel short."

Melody: "That's Margret,"

Margret: "Hello there, Peter."

Melody: "That over there is Claus,"

Claus: "Good afternoon, Peter."
'There's something off about him. Andy doesn't scream for no reason.'

Melody: "And the one hiding behind Claus is Andy."

Andy: "Ummm... Hi?" 'WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!'

Peter: "Nice to meetcha."
'As if I didn't already hate this dare... Now, this is torcher.'

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