Dare #24

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Me: "So Imma break 4th wall again, the dares are just gonna be a series of events to follow dare one just because I don't want to do it the much more time-consuming way

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Me: "So Imma break 4th wall again, the dares are just gonna be a series of events to follow dare one just because I don't want to do it the much more time-consuming way. Anyways, on to the dare."


*I teleport to the picnic tables*

Me: 'Hmm, where is everyone?'

Claus: "Hello Kat."

Me: "Oh, hello Claus. Do you happen to know where everyone is?"

Claus: "I do. Andy and Rory are inside reading. Felix is in the lake. Melody is in her room with Margret. And I'm sure you know where Peter is. Why do ask?"

Me: "Well, There's a harmless dare for Andy."

Claus: "Okay.... I'll go get Andy for you."

Me: "Thanks, Claus."

*Claus goes to the house and returns with Andy*

Andy: "You need something, Kat?"

Me: "Yes, Someone dared you to do this harmless dare."

*I hand Andy a slip of paper that says the first dare*

Andy: "Do I have to?"

Me: "Yes, you have to. I'll be watching over."

*Andy walks to the barn and walked up behind Peter*

Andy: "I like your... cut g...?"

*Andy tried to slap Peter but he grabbed Andy's arm with one of his tendrils*

Peter: "What in the name of Hell were you trying to do?"

Andy: "Um... I was dared to um..."

Peter: "Quit being scared and spit it out already!"

Andy: "I was dared to slap you! Please don't hurt me..."

Peter: "You know I can't hurt you. The book, remember?"

Andy: "Oh... Right...."

Peter: "So we are doing dares again... You can go."

Andy: "Um alright but are you ok? You have been looking at your drawing the whole time."

Peter: "I'm none of your concern. Now go before I feel like playing "Chase the Apple" again."

Andy: "Alright..."

*As Andy walked to the doors, he found a slip of paper and tried to read it*

Andy: " Viele nennen dich einen Heiligen!" 'Wonder what that means-?'


Andy: "Oh no-"

*Andy runs out of the barn with Peter following right behind him*

Andy: "Claus! Help!"

*Andy hid behind Claus*

Claus: "What on Earth is going on here?!"

Andy: "Peter started chasing me for no reason."

Peter: "You greatly insulted me!"

Claus: "Andy, go inside. I'll take care of this."

*Andy goes to the house*

Peter: "Why did you let him leave?!"

Claus: "Andy never purposely insults someone."

Peter: "You must think he's an angel of a child, don't you?"

Claus: No I don't. He makes mistakes, all of us do. Now, what did he even say to you that insulted you?"

Peter: "Viele nennen dich einen Heiligen."

Claus: "Okay 1, that sounds more of a compliment. And 2, Andy doesn't even know Germen."

Peter: "Whatever, he's such a feist anyways."

*Claus slaps Peter*

Claus: "NEVER, call ANY of my friends that!"

*I teleport in*

Me: "Ok ok, enough you two. Peter, back to the barn please."

Peter: "Fine."

*Peter goes back to the dark barn*

Me: "Ok so what happened Claus from what I saw was Andy did say that, but he was reading something he found and Peter thought he was talking to him. Just a misunderstanding."

Claus: "So it would seem that way.."

Me: "I would check on Andy though.

Claus: "Alright."

*I teleport out as Claus goes to the house*

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