Ask #27

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Me: "This will be fun

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Me: "This will be fun."

*I teleport to the fun fair*

Me: 'There's Baylee.'

*I walk over to the bee*

Me: "Hello Baylee."

Baylee: "AHH!"

*She jumped in fear and her wings flapped a bit in reaction*

Baylee: "Oh, Hello there. You scared me."

Me: "Sorry Baylee."

Baylee: "How do you- Oh, I'm wearing a name tag."

Me: "It's fine, but some people wanted to ask you something."

Baylee: "Oh do they?"

Me: "They might send some challenges too but for now someone said, 'For Baylee- What's it like running the fun faire?' "

Baylee: "Well, it's quite fun running this place. It was hard to keep up with everything until Sammy 'arrived' here, but he's been a big help around here."

Me: "You're one busy bee."

Baylee: "Yes it's- I see what you did there. I am a busy bee."

Me: "Ok so the person also said that they would give you a hundred hugs and that you are their favorite."

Baylee: "Well, I do like hugs but got to be careful with the wings though. And I'm honored to bee their favorite."

Me: "I'm sure that they'll love your pun. Well, that was all of them so it's time for me to leave."

Baylee: "Aww, well I hope you can come back 'round miss um-"

Me: "Kat."

Baylee: "Well, it was nice to meet you Kat, and tell this person I said hi."

Me: "Will do."

Sammy (in the distance): "Baylee, can you come help move these boxes please?"

Baylee: "Sure thing, Sammy! I got to go, bye!"

*I teleport out as she goes to help Sammy*

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