Ask #32

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(5 more parts til everyone swaps back)~~~~~~~~~~~

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(5 more parts til everyone swaps back)

*Kat teleports in*

Kat: "Hey Cla- I meant Margret. I almost forgot."

Claus(Margret): "It's alright Kat. We've all been accidentally calling each other the wrong names. So what brings you back?"

Kat: "Well, I have a question for everyone."

Claus(Margret): "Ok. Oh, I didn't get the chance to ask you last time, but is Andy alright? He's not hurt or anything?"

Kat: "He's not, but why do you ask? Do you think Peter would harm him or something?"

Claus(Margret): "I don't really trust Peter to not hurt Andy. I know it's not nice to think poorly of people, but I just get an off feeling about him. As if he's not... normal, you know?"

Kat: 'I don't like how she said normal...' "Margret, If I thought Andy would get hurt, do you think I would have had him swapped with Peter?"

Claus(Margret): "No, not really. You seem very responsible for your age."

Kat: 'Right, I look about Andy's age...' "Don't worry, He's fine. I would be more worried for Peter's safety."

Claus(Margret): "Alright...? Anyways, do you need me to go get the others so we can answer the question?"

Kat: "Sure."

*Claus(Margret) went and got everyone(minus Peter and Andy)*

Margret(Felix): "What is it this time?"

Kat: "Well, have any of you seen other versions of yourselves?"

Rory(Sammy): "I haven't. Have you Lees?"

Melody(Baylee): "Nope. I don't think any of us have."

Baylee(Melody): "We've seen Inverted! Andy before... It was scary..."

Margret(Felix): "Yeah, he almost killed you and me too."

Felix(Claus): "Yes, I remember that time but other than that we haven't."

Claus(Margret): "What about you Rory?"

Sammy(Rory): "Well, yes I have seen another version of myself but... I rather not share..."

*Rory(Sammy) tried to comfort Sammy(Rory), noticing he looked upset*

Kat: "Ok, well I have your answers and I know Andy and Peter's responses will be similar to most of yours, but I need to go. Bye."

*Kat teleports to the barn to check on Andy's progress*

Kat: "Hey guys. How's it going?"

*Andy(Peter) ducked to avoid being hit by a tendril and went over to Kat*

Andy(Peter): "He's made minor progress but still some progress..."

Kat: "I was right... Better to worry about your safety than his at the moment..."

*Peter(Andy) looked at Kat*

Peter(Andy): "Hey Kat! Did you know Peter's eyes can glow?! I wonder if controlling this is the same as Melody controlling her glow?"

Kat: "Yes I knew. How else do you think he gets around the dark barn without a lantern?"

Andy(Peter): "I honestly didn't think he would be able to learn any of my abilities."

Kat: "So you are teaching him how to use tendrils?"

Andy(Peter): "Yep, and so far he managed to throw me across the barn..."

Peter(Andy): "I said sorry..."

Andy(Peter): "I know you did. That just means you're learning."

Kat: "It's nice to see you be nice, but I don't think tendrils will be an issue."

Andy(Peter): "What makes you think that?"

Kat: "Perhaps a version of him has tendrils if he is already learning to use them and make such progress."

Andy(Peter): "Probably."

Kat: "Well, I was just checking up on his progress. His friends were wondering how he's been since the swap, but it's about time I head out."

Andy(Peter): "Alright. I need to teach him how to get better control of the tendrils before he gets hurt because then that pain goes to me..."

Peter(Andy): "Bye Kat!"

Kat: "Bye Andy, keep up the progress! See ya, Peter."

*Kat teleports out*

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