Ask #28

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*I teleport in*

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*I teleport in*

Baylee: "Oh hello Kat."

Me: "Hi Baylee."

Baylee: "What brings you back here?"

Me: "I have more questions but they are for Sammy. Do you know where he is?"

Baylee: "Yeah, I can call him over for you."

*I cover my ears*


Sammy(in the distance): "Alright, Alright! I'll be there in a minute!" 

*I uncover my ears*

Baylee: "He'll be here soon."

Me: "Okay."

*Sammy arrives*

Sammy: "What's up Baylee?"

Baylee: "Kat here, has some questions for you."

Sammy: "Okay, but couldn't she ask you? You run the fair."

Me: "They are not about the fair. Some people asked these questions for you."

Sammy: "Is this what you were talking about yesterday, Baylee?"

Baylee: "Yep, she said people can ask questions and give us some challenges."

Sammy: "As long as it's safe, then sure."

Me: "Don't worry, I make sure there is no chance of death in the tasks."

Sammy: "Alright then. What are the questions then?"

Me: "This is a weird question and I hope you don't mind curiosity. 'Do flowers get pollen from you?' "

Sammy: "Umm, if they mean if I take care of flowers and plants then, yes I do. I take care of all the flora around the fair."

Baylee: "Flora?"

Sammy: "Another word for plants. You and Miss Kat are part of Fauna, Animals."

Baylee: "Ohh, ok."

Me: "Ok, last one. 'Do you get fed by the Sun?' "

Sammy: "In a sense, yes. When I'm not in the Sun for more than a day or so, I feel tired and have no energy. But in the Sun, I feel wide awake and energized."

Baylee: "Sometimes, I wonder how  you survive cloudy weeks.."

Sammy: "A sun lamp."

Baylee: "You know what, I'll just stay quiet before I say something dumb."

Me: "Ok, thank you, Mr. Sammy."

Sammy: "Just Sammy, please."

Me: "Ok, Sammy. That was all the questions. So it's time for me to go."

Sammy: "It was a pleasure to answer them. Goodbye, Kat."

Baylee: "Bye Kat."

Me: "See you later."

*I teleport out*

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