Ask #12 & Dare #6

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Andy: "I have Soliphobia or phobia of worms. So yes, I'm scared of worms."


*Andy and his friends are sitting and talking*

Claus: "I'm glad we got you to calm down, Andy."

Margret: "For a kid, you're scary when you are mad."

*Peter runs past them screaming*


All: "What?!"

*Margret looked behind them*

Margret: "G-guys... He's not fibbing."

*They look where Margret pointed and took off running, but Andy stays*

Claus: "Andy, I know this is possibly your worst fear but we need to run!"

Andy: "R-right."

*They all group up*

Melody: "Margret, I'm scared."

Claus: "Melody, we all are. Especially Andy. He froze up, so I had to run back and get him."

Felix: "Is Andy okay?"

Claus: "He's terrified to death of worms so this is most defiantly taking a toll on him."

Peter: 'I can't believe I'm doing this...' "We need to hide somewhere, or else the worms are going to eat us."

Claus: "Alright smart guy, Whare are going to hide?! The worms destroyed pretty much the whole farm!"

Peter: "All, but the barn. We can hide there."

*They all ran towards the barn*

Peter: " Alright, we should be- WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Melody: "Who sealed up the barn?"

Peter: "Probably that one girl. Now to break the seals."

*Peter Looked around and found Andy's ax*

Peter: "Back up a bit."

*Peter hacks the seals off*

Peter:  "You waiting for an invite? Let's go!"

*They get inside and shut the doors*

Margret: "It's so dark in here. I can't tell if everyone is here."

Claus: "I found a lantern."

*Claus lit the lantern*

Margret: "Peter... Claus... Melody... Felix... Guys, where's Andy?"

*Someone outside screams*

Melody: "Is Andy still out there?!"

Claus: "I think he is..."

Peter: 'I'm going to regret this...'

*Peter grabs Andy's ax and walks to the door*

Margret: "Where are you going?"

Peter: "To go get Andy. Why else?"

*Peter Leaves the barn*

Peter: 'Why am I doing this?'

*Peter eventually finds Andy hiding behind a tree*

Peter: "There you are."

*Andy looked toward Peter and silently shushes him*

Peter: "What are you- Oh."

*Peter sees what Andy warned him about*

Peter: 'This kid...'

*Peter waited for the worm to go away to signal for Andy to run towards him*

Peter: "Let's get you back to your friends."

*They head towards the barn*

Andy: "Why did YOU come to get me?"

Peter: "Your friends most likely don't know how to swing an ax to kill something."

Andy: "And you do?"

Peter: " Let's just say, you don't know me."

*Peter hears something behind them*

Peter: "When I give the signal, run. Run straight to the barn."

Andy: "What are yo-"

Peter: "Do you understand!"

Andy: "Yes?"

*Andy watched as Peter looks around and then just stands still*

Peter: "Andy, run."

*Andy turns to see what Peter is seeing and froze*

Peter: "RUN!!"

*Andy didn't move*

Peter: "Fear is your enemy, Kid!"

*Peter ran back, picked up Andy, and ran towards the barn*

Peter: 'I hate this. Why is the kid so scared of worms anyway?'

Peter: 'These worms terrorize him. Only I get to terrorize him. Might as well do them a favor.'

*Peter gets close to the barn*


*Andy's friends open the door, grab Andy, and get him inside the barn. Peter stays outside*

Margret: "Get inside Peter!"

Peter: "You guys shut the door and stay there. I'm going to get rid of these pests."

*They shut the door as Peter runs towards the worm*

Melody: "Will he be alright?"

Claus: "Well, he ran out there, got Andy, and they both came back unscathed. I believe that he will be fine."

*About 30 minutes later*

Felix: "Shouldn't he have been back by now?"

Melody: "Maybe he'll be back soon."

*They hear something outside. Claus opens the door a bit*

Claus: "It's Peter!"

Peter: "You can come out of the barn now. It's gone."

*They exit the barn*


Peter: "It's not my blood. It's from that worm."

Felix: "Did you kill it?!"

Peter: "Would you rather it still be alive?"

Felix: "No."

Peter: 'Now I know what the kid likes using an ax.' "Hey kid, here's your ax back."

Andy: "Thanks..."

Author's Note:
This took over 4 hours and is 656 words. It's currently 3am.
Hope you enjoy it!

                   -Kat (You can call me this) 

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