Ask #38

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Kat: "Well

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Kat: "Well... This will be interesting!"

*Kat teleports in*

Kat: "Hey Rory. Hey Sammy."

Rory: "Hello. Who's suffering this time?"

Kat: "Ha... Ha... Well, have you seen Peter?"

Rory: "Oh... Him? The clearing over there."

*Rory pointed in the direction of Melody's playing spot*

Kat: "Okay, and would the two of you know where Melody is?"

Sammy: "She was with Baylee, last I checked."

Kat: "Thanks."

*Kat teleported to Melody*

Kat: "Melody, I need you for a moment."

Melody: "Alright. I'll be back soon Baylee."

Baylee: "Okay. I'll go bug Sammy while I wait."

*Baylee flew off*

Melody: "So what do you need Kat?"

Kat: "You and Peter are gonna mend any patchwork discord in your friendship."

Melody: "Oh is he finally out of the barn?"

Kat: "Yep. He's at your playing spot. I'll teleport us there."

*I teleported us to her playing spot*

Kat: "Hello Peter!"

Peter: "OH MY SATAN! You can't sneak up on people. You'll be down a life, Furball."

Kat: "Meh... Anyways... I brought Melody with me."

Melody: "Hi..."

Peter: "Hi..."

*The two looked nervous to see each other again*

Kat: "Well I know for a while, Melody has been asking where you were because she needed to talk to you about something."

Melody: "Oh yeah, I did have a few questions..."

Peter: "Alright..."

Kat: "Now I want you two to mend any patchwork discord in your friendship because seeing you two separating yourselves has been KILLING the askers."

Peter: "Alright. So Melody... You needed to ask me something...?"

Melody: "Yeah... If that's alright with you...?"

Peter: "Um... Sure, I guess..."

Melody: "It's about that one dare... The glitch one..."

Peter: "O-oh... That... So w-what about it...?

Melody: "When it grabbed me, you sent vines to try to save me... how did you do that without touching them...?"

*Peter was shocked but looked nervous. Melody was his friend, but he didn't know how to tell her the truth about him*

Kat: 'Oop- Well I might have to help soon...'

Peter: "Well... Um... h-how do I say this... Um... W-well... I-its a power..."

Melody: "O-oh, like my glowing?"

Peter: "I guess you can say that... yeah..."

*Peter looked a bit relieved but knew one day, he would have to tell her the truth, but relieved for it to not be that day.*

Kat: "Hey Peter."

Peter: "What?"

Kat: "Don't you have a question for Mel?"

Peter: "Um... W-well I..."

Kat: "Oh for the love of everything unholy... Melody, Peter wants to know if y'all are still friends."

*Peter looked at Kat as if planning on killing her*

Melody: "Peter, why do you think we weren't friends?"

Peter: "Well after the glitch dare... You just seemed to distance yourself from me so I didn't know..."

Melody: "Well it was a traumatic experience..."

Kat: "And I'm not sorry for that. The readers wanted drama."

Peter: "Can it, Furball!"

Melody: "Peter, that's not nice. Now apologize to Kat."

Peter: "But I-"

Melody: "Apologize Peter."

*Kat and Peter were a bit scared of Melody's change of tone*

Kat: "You've been around Margret way too long..."

Peter: "F-fine... Sorry, Kat."

Kat: "Meh, didn't faze me. I've been called MUCH worse."

Peter: "Why I ought to-"

Melody: "Peter... No."

Peter: "But I... Fine... But I never knew YOU of all people can be scary..."

*Melody smiled*

Melody: "Well, I never knew you have powers, so we are even."

Peter: "Yeah, I guess..."

Kat: "It's nice to see you two be friends again. Oh, Melody, you should introduce him to Baylee and Sammy."

*Peter looked shocked and nervous hearing the name Sammy*

Melody: "Oh that's right, you haven't met them yet Peter."

*Melody leads Peter to go meet Sammy and Baylee*

Kat: 'THIS will be fun.'

*Kat teleported out*

(A/N): Whoo Hoo! Back with a new part and we have a mending friendship. And I'm sure we have a guess of why Peter was shocked and nervous hearing Sammy is on the farm since Rory and Sammy are connected in a way. Then we have Kat calling y'all out and breaking the 4th wall.

I'm not dead BTW.

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