Dare #28

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Anonymous dared:

(They will be like this for 5-6 parts)

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(They will be like this for 5-6 parts)

Kat: "Oh this will be fun..."

*Kat teleports in*

Kat: "Hey Sammy, Rory, and Baylee. Can you have everyone meet me at the picnic area?"

Sammy: "Sure thing."

*Everyone(minus Peter) meets at the picnic area*

Claus: "Do you need something, Kat?"

Kat: "Yes I do. You all will get to walk in someone else's shoes for a while."

Rory: "Why would we do that? Also, some people don't have shoes."

Kat: "No no no. I mean you guys will swap bodies with someone for a bit."

Claus: "I don't know... Some of us, like Melody, have abilities that need control."

Kat: "You think I don't know that? That's why for six of you, I already know 100% who you'll be swapping with."

Baylee: "This will be exciting!"

Melody: "I don't know Baylee... If someone were to swap with me, they could blind everyone..."

Kat: "Yep and one of you will swap with Peter, which I know who will swap with him."

Rory: "I hope it's not me."

Kat: "It's not. Now let's begin!"

*Kat uses her powers to swap everyone*

Kat: "Ok, now I have these colored wristbands you'll wear so people can identify you while you are swapped."

Quick A/N:  It will be in this format     Name of the body(who it actually is)  Hope this helps!


Claus(Margret): "Ugh, what's this ticking sound?"

Sammy(Rory): "Who am I swapped with because they are tall..."

*Sammy(Rory) stumbles a bit trying to steady himself*

Baylee(Melody): "Wait, where is Andy?"

Felix(Claus): "That is a good quest- Wait... DID I SWAP WITH FELIX?! I'M SO FRICKIN SHORT!!"

Margret(Felix): "I'm not in your body Claus. Unless you were a red dress with white polka dots."

Claus(Margret): "Felix, you're in my body, and judging by this annoying ticking sound, I'm in Claus's body."

Rory(Sammy): "Baylee, which one are you?"

Melody(Baylee): "I'm still yellow but I don't have my antenna!"

Baylee(Melody): "Baylee, I think me and you swapped."

Rory(Sammy): "Ok so Melody is Baylee and Baylee is Melody?"

Melody(Baylee): "Yep, and you are Rory!"

*Rory(Sammy) and Baylee(Melody) covered their ears/antenna in pain*

Melody(Baylee): "Oops... Sorry, you two. I forgot..."

Rory(Sammy): "It's fine, but now I have an idea of how your sensory overloads feel..."

Kat: "Ok, so I'll call out a name and you guys get your respective color."

*Kat lays out the colored bands*

Kat: "Melody."

*Baylee(Melody) grabbed the yellow band*

Kat: "Felix."

*Margret(Felix) grabbed the light blue band*

Kat: "Rory."

*Sammy(Rory) grabbed the purple band*

Kat: "Baylee."

*Melody(Baylee) grabbed the pink band*

Kat: "Claus."

*Felix(Claus) grabbed the orange band*

Kat: "Margret."

*Claus(Margret) grabbed the red band*

Kat: "Since Sammy can't walk up here, I'll hand him his."

*Kat grabs the Lime green, Dark green, and black bands and walks to Rory(Sammy)*

Kat: "Here Sammy."

Rory(Sammy): "Thank you Kat."

*Kat hands the dark green band to Rory(Sammy)*

Baylee(Melody): "Wait, isn't dark green Peter's color?"

Kat: "If Sammy wasn't here then yes, but Peter more so prefers black as well."

Felix(Claus): "Wait... Andy and Peter swapped!"

Sammy(Rory): "That means Andy's body was most likely moved to the barn when him and Peter swapped."

Kat: "Yep. I figured Andy would be the best person to swap with Peter. And there is also a reason I wanted Rory and Sammy to swap too, but right now I'll give Andy and Peter their bands then I have to leave."

Sammy(Rory): "Why don't you stay after giving dares and such? It's very suspicious."

Kat: "It's called I have people outside of this world to care for so I can't be here for long periods of time. Now Bye!"

*Kat teleports into the barn*

Kat: "Andy! Peter! Come here please!"

*Peter(Andy) and Andy(Peter) go to Kat*

Peter(Andy): "Kat, Why am I swapped with Peter?!"

Andy(Peter): "Why am I in his body?!"

Kat: "Don't worry, everyone is swapped and Andy you need to calm down. You are now a demon. So Peter, you will teach Andy how to control your abilities so he doesn't accidently expose you. And here you go."

*Kat hands Peter(Andy) the lime green band and hands Andy(Peter) the black band*

Andy(Peter): "Fine, I'll teach him, but only because I don't want to be exposed. Come on Kid. You have LOTS to learn about being a demon."

*Andy(Peter) goes deeper into the barn*

Peter(Andy): "Hopefully not too much. Bye Kat."

*Kat teleports out*

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