Another New Character!

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"I'm gonna do a sneaky thing, and throw a new contender in the ring!"

So Imma add another Chapter 2 character to the A&D.

I'm gonna add Bauhaus the Bat to the thing.

I'm gonna add Bauhaus the Bat to the thing

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Bauhaus is a chapter 2 character like Sammy and Baylee.

Also, Bauhaus X Peter is a cannon ship to the game's lore. This ship is confirmed in the game's official Wiki as it has some Chapter 2 information.   (Take that simps and shippers)
("Evil Gay Power Couple" as a few people have called them.)

Bauhaus, much like Sammy and Baylee, will be at the fun fair unless otherwise dared to go to the farm.

This will be fun. Anyways, have fun!

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