Dare #31 & Ask #39

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*Kat teleports in and finds Andy*

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*Kat teleports in and finds Andy*

Kat: "Hey Andy."

Andy: "Oh hello Kat. What brings you back here?"

Kat: "Got a dare for you."

Andy: "And it is..?"

Kat: "Try to scare someone."

Andy: "Umm... Who do I scare...?"

Kat: "Dont say, but I got someone in mind..."

Andy: "If it's Peter, just dig my grave now and get it over with..."

Kat: "It's not him. Besides, only one person can truly scare that demon."

Andy: "Who...? God...?"

Kat: "..."

Kat: "Make that two... Anyways, it's not Peter."

Andy: "Who then?"

Kat: "Rory. I hear something happens when you scare a rabbit."

Andy: "But he's still hurt..."

Kat: "Margret told me that she's been helping him start to stand on that leg, and he doesn't shout in pain at every movement anymore. I'd say he's fair game."

Andy: "Alright... How do I scare him?"

Kat: "I'll teleport you behind him so he doesn't hear you, then you just tap his shoulder."

Andy: "He's gonna yell at me if I scare him... won't he...?"

Kat: "....Maybe...."

Andy: "Fine..."

Kat: "Okay, I'll teleport you."

*Kat teleports Andy behind Rory*

Andy: "Hey Rory-"

*As soon as Andy tapped Rory's shoulder, Rory jumped in fear and squeaked*

*Everyone looks at Rory, surprised at what they just heard*


Andy: "Sorry Rory... It was a dare... a-and I didn't know rabbits could squeak..."

*Rory looked very embarrassed as he noticed everyone staring at him*

Rory: "W-well I h-hate it...!"

Melody: "Why do you hate it? We all do weird things when we are scared. Like I flicker a bit."

Baylee: "And my wings flutter a bit..."

Kat(In the distance): "And Peter shrieks like a banshee!"

Peter: "I DO NOT!"

Rory: "Oh... Alright..."

Kat: "Well I got to go... Bye."

*Kat teleports to the fun fair*

Kat: "Been a while since I've been here... Now where is he...?"

???: "Where is... Who?"

*Kat jumped a bit*

Kat: "Oh hello there Bauhaus, just the person I was looking for."

Bauhaus: "How the Hell do ya know my name?!"

Kat: "I often deal with Peter so I learned..."

Bauhaus: "Oh Mr."I'll be back in a few weeks."? Alright, so ya know my name, why were ya looking for me, Fuball?"

Kat: "Well... Someone had a question for you, and I'm here to deliver the question to you. It'll be kind of common as time goes on. Peter has been dealing with it for a while now too so don't worry."

Bauhaus: "I was gonna say no, but since Peter's doing it to... Fine, now what's ya question, Furball?"

Kat: "What do you think of the other people who work here? Y'know, Sammy and Baylee?"

Bauhaus: "Oh them? I was told by a note that they were gonna go somewhere. To a farm, I think."

Kat: "Yep, and I was the person who took them there. I was actually here a few times before that..."

Bauhaus: "Must've been when I was resting, cuz I don't really recognize ya."

Kat: "Right... Bats are kind of nocturnal... Anyways, what's your opinion on them?"

Bauhaus: "That bee girl is awfully damn annoying sometimes, but she never get's too loud due to her hearing which is good for the both of us. The flower boy... Now I don't really have any issues with him and he keeps the bee girl calm for the most part but I just mainly stick to my tarot cards and not interact with them..."

Kat: "Well someone will be offended... Well, that's all I have for you so I'll just go... Bye Bauhaus, a pleasure to meet you."

Bauhaus: "I would say the same 'bout ya but then I would be lying."

*Kat teleports out*

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