Dare #11 & Ask #18

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*Felix starts recording with the camera*

Felix: "Hey Guys. So Imma gonna hide in the barn and see how long it takes my friends to figure out."

*6 hours later (Like about 9 PM)*

Claus: "Why is the door to the barn opened?"

*Claus checks the barn and finds Felix asleep*

Claus: 'How long was he in here and why is there a camera?'

*Claus picks up Felix and brings him inside*

Claus: "Did you know that Felix was in the barn, Margret?"

Margret: "No. I thought he was in his room."


Melody: "Hey Margret?"

Margret: "Yes, Melody?"

Melody: "Are you busy today by chance?"

Margret: "No, not really. Why?"

Melody: "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today since the boys are busy."

Margret: "Sure. We can hang out."

*They hanged out for the rest of the day*


Andy: "Actually, it never crossed my mind of leaving, But why should I? This farm is my job and home. I also don't have anywhere else to go if I were to leave the farm. Plus, my friends are here too, so I don't really have a reason to leave."

Andy's Apple Farm Ask And Dare (Still Open)Where stories live. Discover now