Dare #34

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Overseer(AKA me): YES!! FUCK YES THIS BOOK AIN'T DEAD! WHOOO!!! It's time to give these peeps a reality check!"

Overseer(AKA me): YES!! FUCK YES THIS BOOK AIN'T DEAD! WHOOO!!! It's time to give these peeps a reality check!"

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*Kat teleports in and sees Rory, Sammy, Margret, Claus, and Felix.*


Rory: "Oh for fucks sake! I thought we were done!"

Margret: "Rory! Language!"

Claus: "I'd have to agree with Rory... It's been nearly 6 months... We all thought the Asking and Daring were done with..."

Kat: "Well... It was gonna discontinued but my creator, the person in charge of this, received a comment with a dare from someone so this is still going on!"

Sammy: "Oh, nice to see people still have interest at least."

Kat: "Yep, now can someone go get Andy for me?"

Rory: "I will."

Kat: "I don't think that would be good due to-"

*Kat sees Rory walking with a limping step*

Rory: "What?"

Kat: "Nothing, I just didn't think your leg had healed enough for you to walk yet..."

Margret: "Yeah, it's healing. And Rory said he'll try to take it easy."

Rory: "I can walk, just with a bit of a limp and I can't walk for long times. But it healed into a nasty scar..."

Kat: "Well the good thing is that it's healing. You can go get Andy now."

*Rory goes into the field of trees*

Kat: "Now where's Melody?"

Margret: "Baylee went with her to the small clearing. Why? Do you need her?"

Kat: "No, I need Peter. And where Melody is, there's a good chance Peter's there too. Thanks."

*Kat teleports to Melody*

Kat: "Hi!"

*Melody and Baylee looked surprised while Peter looked a bit upset.*

Peter: "I thought we were done, furball!"

Melody: "Peter, no. That's not nice!"

Peter: "Fine..."

Baylee: "Do you need one of us, Kat?"

Kat: "Yep, I need grouchy pants for a bit."

*Kat points at Peter.*

Peter: "What for?"

Kat: "A dare. Meet me at the picnic tables. Oh and swing by the barn and get Andy's axe too please."

*Kat teleports away*

Kat: "Okay, everyone I need is here. Everyone but Andy and Peter, have a seat."

Andy: "Kat, why do you need me and Peter?"

Kat: "You'll see. Peter, hand me Andy's axe please."

Peter: "I don't like where this is going..."

*Kat grabs the axe and walks over to Andy*

Kat(Whispered): "Peter slapped Melody. I saw him do it."(A tiny lie btw)

Andy: "He- WHAT!?"

*Andy gets mad, and everyone but Kat is shocked and scared*

Kat: "Andy, turn Peter into pumpkin pie."

*Kat hands Andy the axe*

Kat: "That's your dare."

*Andy takes the axe*

Peter: "What's going on...?"

Kat: "I'd run if you like living."

*Peter runs as Andy chases him*



*Kat gets Rory some popcorn as he enjoys the show.*

Margret: "What did you say to Andy, Kat?"

Kat: "Oh, just something to get him riled up or he wouldn't be able to do the dare."

Melody: "Will Peter be alright...?"

Kat: "If he can outrun an enraged Andy."

Melody: "O-oh..."

Rory: "Okay, I will allow these kinds of dares. This is entertaining."

Kat: "Glad you like it, Rory. Well, I'm off again. Bye!"

*Kat teleports out*



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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