Ask #25

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Andy: "Um... I- I don't know..."

*Claus walks to Andy*

Claus: "Are you okay, Andy? You look disturbed and confused."

Andy: "I just got asked how do I feel about someone calling me yummy. How SHOULD I feel about that?"

Claus: "Well, disturbed is a start but I can't answer for you. You're an apple and I'm a clock so that alone would make it hard to help you answer as well."

Andy: "Oh..."

Claus: "But if I were to imagine myself as an apple as well, then I would be a bit offended and quite disturbed. But that's just how I would most likely feel, so I'm sorry if that didn't help."

Andy: "Actually that does help. Thanks, Claus."

Claus: "You're quite welcome, but if you're asked something like this again, let me know so I can tell that girl to-"

*Something happens near the house*


Claus: "I better go see what's before whatever it is escalates."

Andy: "I'll tag along and see if I can help."

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