Ask #23 & Dare #20

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(Note: Andy is still in Rabbit Knight

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(Note: Andy is still in Rabbit Knight.)


Andy: "Oh, I didn't think I would get anything while I was here."

*Rory curiously walks towards Andy*

Rory: "Whom are you conversing with, Andy?"

Andy: "What?"

Rory: "Sorry. What I meant was who are you talking to? I keep forgetting we speak differently."

Andy: "It's fine, but I got a question and a task."

Rory: "Strange. I didn't see the miss that gives those. Must be different for you."

Andy: "Yeah, I'll just answer the question first."

Rory: "What's the question?"

Andy: "It says: What would happen if I was put in a dark place?"

Rory: "Hmm, what WOULD happen?"

Andy: "Well, my nyctophobia would kick in and I would most likely start panicking."

Rory: "Nieto- Nyta- Um, what you said, is it a curse?! Were you cursed by that demon?!"

Andy: "No, it means an irrational or big fear of the dark or dim areas. And my barn experience didn't help it."

Rory: Oh. Your world is definitely different than mine. So what's your task?"

Andy: "Be put in a dark place."

Rory: "Oh. Yeah, I see how that can be bad, especially here. If you panic, you might lure the mushrooms here and that could be bad."

Andy: "As if being chased by them wasn't terrifying."

Rory: "Well, the faster we get it done, the faster you won't be in the dark."

Andy: "Yeah, but the whole kingdom is dimly lit and I got used to it."

Rory: "There's an incomplete tunnel out back. You can use that."

Andy: "Alright."

Rory: "Good, Let's be quick though. It's almost night and you won't be able to see your own paw- erm, hand in front of you."

*The two go outside as Rory grabbed his sword just to be safe*

Rory: "Here it is."

Andy: "Thanks, Rory."

Rory: "I'll toss this rope down, but I'll tug on it when you need to climb up."

Andy: "Alright. Can you keep watch for those mushrooms?"

Rory: "Why do you think I grabbed my sword?"

Andy: "Oh. Dumb question."

Rory: "Uneducated assuming. Now come on. Stop stalling."

Andy: "Right..."

*Andy climbed down into the dark tunnel as Rory kept a lookout*

Rory: "Are you at the bottom yet?"

Andy: "Yeah, but it's pitch black down here."

Rory: "It's an incomplete escape tunnel, not a street."

*Andy aimlessly walked around the bottom of the tunnel until he bumped into something*

Andy: "Hey Rory?"

Rory: "Yeah?"

Andy: "Should there be anything down here?"

Rory: "No, but be quieter."

Andy: "Oh."

Rory: "I can hear you just fine even if you whisper, which is preferred in the dark"

Andy: "Right, you're a rabbit. Sorry."

Rory: "Shh, be quiet."

Andy: "Why?"

*Rory didn't respond*

Andy: "Rory?"

*Rory again was quiet but the rope was tugged*

Andy: 'He must've heard something.'

*Andy climbed out of the tunnel to see Rory standing still, whispering something*

Andy: "Rory?"

*Rory turned around, grabbed Andy, and they both ran inside*

Andy: "Is something wrong, Rory?"

*Rory was silent*

Andy: "Rory?"

Rory: "Y-yeah?"

Andy: "Are you alright?"

Rory: "Y-yeah, I'm fine. I just thought I heard something."

Andy: 'Strange.' "Probably nothing, right?"

Rory: "Yeah. P-probably nothing..."

 I wonder what Rory heard.

(A/N) Sorry I haven't been publishing anything for a bit. I have a Pre-ACT test and I've also been working on YouTube.

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