Ask #34

84 1 11

(This is the 69th part of the book... 0-o)

(3 more parts till everyone swaps back)____________________________________

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(more parts till everyone swaps back)

*Kat teleports in*

Kat: "Hello Sammy, Rory, Melody, and Baylee."

Sammy(Rory): "Hello. Do you have something for us?"

Kat: "Yes, I have a question for Sammy."

Rory(Sammy): "Okay..?"

Kat: "Someone asked you 'How's it going?'."

Rory(Sammy): "Umm, well it's hard to get around the place... I would love to explore the farm and observe the beautiful flora here but I can't while in Rory's body due to his injury."

Baylee(Melody): "Flora? What's that?"

Melody(Baylee): "A fancy collective word for plants basically... Me, Kat, and Rory are part of Fauna, Animals."

Baylee(Melody): "Ohh... I'm sorry that it's hard for you to look at the plants here, Sammy..."

Rory(Sammy): "It's alright, kid. It's not your fault."

Baylee(Melody): "Kid...?"

Melody(Baylee): "Don't worry, he calls me that sometimes."

Rory(Sammy): "Sorry if that offended you, Melody."

Baylee(Melody): "No, it's fine... My friend used to always call me that, but we haven't spoken to each other in a while. I think he's scared to..."

Melody(Baylee): "This wouldn't be that person in that barn you guys keep talking about, right?"

Kat: "It is. His name is Peter. He hasn't left that barn since that sad dare I told you and Sammy about. It's the same dare that got Rory hurt. He might come out of the barn soon. I think Andy is getting him to cheer up enough to leave the barn."

Baylee(Melody): "Good, I still need to talk to him about something..."

Kat: "I know, Melody. Well, time I head out. Bye."

Baylee(Melody): "Bye."

*Kat teleports to the barn*

Kat: "Hey Peter."

Andy(Peter): "Hey, the kid is getting better at hiding abilities and using them. I think he'll be able to leave the barn soon."

Kat: "Good, and you'll leave with him?"

Andy(Peter): "You think I'm dumb? I gotta make sure he doesn't screw up."

Kat: "Good, because someone needs to talk to you."

Andy(Peter): "Who?"

Kat: "Melody. She's worried and sad that you haven't left the barn."

Andy(Peter): "Really..?"

Kat: "Yes, I've talked to her and she still calls you her friend. She doesn't hate you or scared of you. She just wants to talk."

Andy(Peter): "I'll think about it- Hey Kid! Be careful! If you get my body covered in bruises, I'll throw you across the farm!"

Peter(Andy): "I'm sorry! I tripped!"

Andy(Peter): "I better go make sure he didn't get hurt or I'll have one hell of a time when we swap back."

Kat: "The threat of injury makes you more selfless? I find that funny."

Andy(Peter): "Shut up! Don't you have to leave or something?!"

Kat: "Alright, alright. I'll go."

*Kat teleports out*

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