Ask #37

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Kat: "Before we get into this, I apologize for not doing this one sooner as The Observer/Creator did not receive notice of this

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Kat: "Before we get into this, I apologize for not doing this one sooner as The Observer/Creator did not receive notice of this. She apologizes too. Now let's get on with this."
(They are back to normal after this but they will be turned back at the end of this one.)

*Kat teleports in*

Kat: "Hello Margret, Sammy, Rory, Baylee, and Melody.

Melody(Baylee): "Hi! Whatcha got for us this time?"

Kat: "What are the pros and cons of being the person you swapped with?

Claus(Margret): "A definite con for me is this very annoying tick I have to deal with and it drives me crazy."

Kat: "Any pros?"

Claus(Margret): "I guess I'm glad I'm still tall. Unlike Claus."

Kat: "Pfft- Way to throw him under the bus... Anyways, next?"

Melody(Baylee): "I didn't change much height wise so I guess that's a pro. A con would be Melody's glowing... That hurt..."

Baylee(Melody): "I told you to cover your eyes... My pro is the same as Baylee's, but my con is her wings and antennae. Mainly the antennae..."

Melody(Baylee): "Yeah... They can be a pain..."

Kat: "Sammy? Rory?"

Rory(Sammy): "Well a con would be, not being able to do much since he has a wound that needs to heal, but a pro of this is I noticed he doesn't sit still for long so I see this as helping him since I'm normally very careful. I don't really mind it though since I like helping others."

Sammy(Rory): "While I could move again, Baylee told me that these petals were fragile and could tear easily so I've been careful not to rip them so there's my pro and con."

Kat: "Good. Well, I got 4 more people to get answers. Bye."

*Kat teleports to the house*

Kat: "Hi Claus and Felix."

Felix(Claus): "Hello Kat."

Margret(Felix): "Do you need something?"

Kat: "What are the pros and cons of your swap?"

Felix(Claus): "There really aren't any pros about being Felix... A con would definitely be becoming half your height..."

Margret(Felix): "I AM RIGHT HERE!!"

Felix(Claus): "I know."

Kat: "What about you Felix?"

Margret(Felix): "Well a Pro is I can reach everything Margret and Claus put out of my reach, but a con is that I can't sneak around as Margret so I can't prank..."

Felix(Claus): "Good. We all deserve a break from them anyways."

Kat: "Thank you."

*Kat teleports to the barn*

Andy(Peter): "And you're back..."

Kat: "Yep. And everyone has an ask."

Peter(Andy): "What is it?"

Kat: "What are the pros and cons of being each other basically?"

Andy(Peter): "Ehh I can't really think of a pro."

Peter(Andy): "Me and you are dressed basically the same. So at least it's better than swapping with one of the girls and having to wear a dress."

Andy(Peter): "I guess I'll count that. A con is swapping with Andy though. I would need at least 30 more hands just to count half of the amount of times that kid has fallen down or tripped on something."

Kat: "I can find that accurate..."

Andy(Peter): "If I didn't have that rulebook, I would chuck him across the farm for all the bruises when we swap back."

Peter(Andy): "I kept saying I was sorry."

Kat: "I know you tried Andy. I'm gonna guess your con is being taller."

Peter(Andy): "Yeah... I actually prefer being closer to the ground. The fall is shorter. But my pro is Peter's ability to see in the dark."

Kat: "You are not scared of the dark, you are scared of what's in it. Now meet everyone outside. The swap is near the end."

Andy(Peter): "Finally."

~~ After Kat rounded up everyone ~~

Kat: "Well this dare is done, so I'll switch y'all back."

*Everyone gets switched back*

Kat: "And you can keep the bands if you want to.

*As everyone talks to each other about the swap, Kat noticed Peter walked to Melody's playing spot instead of returning to the barn*

Kat: 'Progress has been made.' "Bye, guys!"

*Kat teleports out*


(A/N): Yes the ending is lazy... I've been working on this for over 5 days, I wanted to get it done.

But yay!! Any wasn't chucked across the farm and Peter is out of the barn!
PROGRESS  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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