Ask #29

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(Note: this is the 60th part of this book and it's at 5K

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(Note: this is the 60th part of this book and it's at 5K. WOOHOO!!!)


*I teleport in*

Me: 'Where are they?' "Sammy, Baylee!! I'm back!!!"

Baylee(in the distance): "BE RIGHT THERE!!!"

*They arrive*

Sammy: "Hello Kat."

Me: "Hi-"

Baylee: "Do we have a challenge!?"

Sammy: "Baylee, calm down. You interrupted her."

Baylee: "Sorry."

Me: "It's fine, but no just questions. One for each of you."

Baylee: "Aww man..."

Sammy: "Maybe next time, Baylee"

Me: "Maybe... Anyways, the first question is for Sammy."

Sammy: "Alright, let's hear it."

Me: "Are your petals foldable? If so, what do you use them for?"

Sammy: "Ummm... Yes, they do fold. But much like Baylee's wings, they rip very easily and it hurts when they do..."

Me: "Oh..."

Sammy: "Yeah..."

Baylee: "My turn!"

Me: "Do the antennas on your head help you with anything?"

Baylee: "Yep! They help me detect sound waves and vibrations, so when someone enters the fair, I know."

Sammy: "Your antennas also help with gardening too."

Baylee: "Oh yeah, I use them to let you know which plants need more water, more sun, or if your flowers are fixing to bloom."

Me: "I know some people who would love to have that ability."

Baylee: "Oh, maybe we could meet them one day!"

Me: "You might, but that's all I had for now. Bye!"

Baylee: "Bye-Bye!"

Sammy: "Goodbye."

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