Dare #21

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Andy: "Are you sure you're alright? You just stood there."

Rory: "I'm fine. J-just a weird habit."

Andy: "Alright."

*Something knocks on the door*

Andy: "What was that?"

*Rory grabs his sword and stands by the door while signaling for Andy to hide*

???: "Hello?"

Andy: 'Wait, I recognize that voice.'

*Andy went up to Rory telling him to lower his sword*

Andy: (whispers) "I recognize the voice."

*Andy checked the window and opened the door*

Andy: "Hey Kat."

Me: "Hello boys. Hope I didn't scare you."

Rory: "Oh, Hello Miss."

Me: "Hello Rory. It seems you were able to find Rory, Andy."

Andy: "Ehh, more of he found me."

Me: "You got chased, didn't you?"

Andy: "Yes, but I didn't get hurt."

Me: "Good. Your friends would kill me if you got hurt."

Rory: "Excuse me, Miss?"

Me: "Yes?"

Rory: "Do you have a question or task for one of us?"

Me: "Actually, I have a task for both of you."

Andy: "Oh, what is it?"

Me: "Well Andy, you are going home."

Andy: "Aww."

Me: "And Rory will go with you."

Rory: "So I'll go with him to his world?"

Me: "Yep, plus I think you could do with a break and a chance to actually relax."

Rory: "Alright..."

Me: "Now let's go."

*I teleport them to the void*

Rory: "It's so- bright."

Me: "Probably should of gave a heads up. Sorry."

Andy: "So why didn't you just take us to the farm?"

Me: "Well, along with your guys' dare I also got a dare for someone else that goes with your dare."

Andy: "Who's it for?" 

Me: "You'll see but can you make sure Rory won't attack them?"

Andy: "Why? Wait it's for-!"

Me: "Yes now quiet."

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