Ask #36

89 1 14

(1 more part till everyone swaps back)____________________________________

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(more part till everyone swaps back)

*Kat teleports in*

Kat: "Hello Sammy, Rory, and... Claus, right?"

Felix(Claus): "Unfortunately, yes you are right..."

Kat: "You don't like being the shortest, huh?"

*Felix(Claus) walks away*

Rory(Sammy): "Do you need something, Kat?"

Kat: "Yes. Rory has a question."

Sammy(Rory): "So may I ask what said question is?"

Kat: " Someone asked you what you did in your kingdom?"

Rory(Sammy): "Yeah, what DID you do back home?"

Sammy(Rory): "Well, basically being the last of my people and lone survivor of a plague, I would patrol the kingdom, scavenge around for possible supplies I could find, and basically survive. I mean I would practice with my sword if I decided I had free time. Other than that, you have my whole routine I would do."

Rory(Sammy): ".... And how long were you alone for..?"

Sammy(Rory): "Umm 4 years I think...?"

Rory(Sammy): "And how old are you again for clarification?"

Sammy(Rory): "14, If Im right..."

Rory(Sammy): "..."

Kat: "Well now that Sammy is having an existential mid-life crisis... I'm gonna go. Bye!"

*Kat teleports out*

"Somebody help!! I think Rory broke Sammy!!"

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