Dare #25

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*I teleport in*

Me: 'Where is Claus 'cause this will be funny..'

Andy: "Hey Kat!"


Andy: "Sorry... What brings you back?"

Me: "I have a dare for Claus and-"

Rory: "Inside."

Me: "Hello to you too Rory. So he's inside?"

Andy: "Yeah, he's inside reading or something."

Me: "Thank you, you two. Oh and here Andy. A book for you."

* I hand Andy the book*

Andy: "Mary Poppins?"

Me: "Yep, and if you can't figure out a word, ask Claus. Bye."

* I teleport inside*

Me: "Hey Claus."

Claus: "Hello Kat. Need something?"

Me: "You got a dare."

Claus: "What is it?"

Me: "Here."

*I hand Claus a slip of paper*

Claus: "WHAT?!"

Me: "Don't worry, I don't count."

Claus: "Well, I don't think I want to participate in this dare..."

Me: "Sorry..."

Claus: "Fine, then I'll just keep my eyes closed. I'm not fixing to embarrass myself."

Me: "Trying to find a loophole in the situation... Eh, not like I don't do that."


Andy: "Supercali- Supercal- Rory, you're good with long words that make absolutely no sense, right?"

Rory: "As you have once said, that is correct."

Andy: "What is this word then?"

*Andy ponts to the word 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'*

Rory: "Umm first of all, how the fuck would that be an actual word?! Second, How the fuck do even begin to pronounce it!?"

Andy: "I don't know! That's why I asked you!"

Rory: "Well, Miss Kat said to ask Claus about any words that you don't know in that book. Perhaps you should question him about it."

Andy: "Ok, I'll go ask him. Be right back."

*Andy goes inside*

Andy: "Claus?"

*Clause faces away from Andy*

Claus: 'Shit...' "Yes, Andy?"

Andy: "Why are you facing away? You always told us to look at the person you are talking to."

Claus: "It's nothing. You need something?"

Andy: "I'm reading a book that Kat gave me and it has a really big word that me nor Rory knows. Do you know it?"

Claus: "Hand me your book please, Andy."

*Andy hands Claus the book*

Claus: "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

Andy: "Oh... What does it mean?"

Claus: "It means extraordinarily good and/or wonderful."

Andy: "Ok. thank you, Claus!"

Claus: "You're welcome."

*As soon as Andy went outside, Claus looked at me.*

Claus: "Why do I feel like you planned this?"

Me: "Well, from personal experience, it's less awkward to say you love your best friend than it is to say it to your other friends. Just trying to make it less awkward."

Claus: "Ok, I see that you were trying to help, but please don't. The whole dare is just embarrassing and-"

*Andy returns*

Claus: 'Damn it.'

Andy: "Hey Claus, how do you say it again?"

Claus: "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

Andy: "Thank you, Claus."

*Claus glares at me*

Claus: "...Love you Andy..."

Andy: "I know. We all are a found family, we all love each other."

*Andy leaves*

Claus: "..."

Me: "You alright?"

Claus: "I guess that was less embarrassing..."

*I see a little hand rise up from behind the couch with an audio recorder in it*

???: "That was funny to watch."

*I recognized the voice*

Me: "Felix!"

*Felix got out from behind the couch*

Claus: "How long were you even back there?"

Felix: "Long enough to hear all of  what just happened and to record it too."

Claus: "Hand it over."

Felix: "No."

Claus: "It's not even yours Felix, it's Melody's"

Felix: "No!"

*I grab the audio recorder, deleted Felix's recording, and handed it to Claus*

Felix: "Hey!"

Me: "Here Claus."

Claus: "I'll give this back to Melody. Felix, you will be Margret's shadow for the rest of the day."

Felix: "No, she'll be cleaning all day and I would have to help her."

Claus: "Good, then we know you won't be up to mischief."

Felix: "Fine..."

*Felix goes to the kitchen*

Claus: "I'll give this back to Melody. See you later Kat."

Me: "See ya."

*I teleport out*

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