Ask#30 & Dare #26

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*Kat teleports in*

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*Kat teleports in*

Kat: "Baylee! Sammy! I'm Back!!"

Baylee: "Heya Kat! Bee right there!"

*Sammy and Baylee arrive*

Baylee: "Do we finally have a challenge?! Do we?!"

Sammy: "Baylee, calm down. She will tell us if we do."

Baylee: "Sorry Kat."

Kat: "It's fine if you get excited Baylee, and there might be a dare."

Baylee: "Yes!"

Kat: "But first, you have a question."

Sammy: "Alright."

Baylee: "Oh c'mon..."

Kat: "It's a short one, I promise."

Baylee: "Ok..."

Kat: "So the question is, Have you met the Apple Farm gang yet?"

*Sammy and Baylee looked at each other confusedly*

Baylee: "I don't know anyone by that. Do you?"

Sammy: "No, not really. Do you know them, Kat?"

Kat: "Yes I do. I talked and hung out with them a bit, and gave them challenges and questions quite sometime before I started getting stuff for you two."

Baylee: "That's cool. So do we have a challenge?!"

Kat: "Well... Do you want to meet the Apple Farm gang?"

Baylee: "Wait... Is that our challenge?! To meet new people?!"

Kat: "Yes it is."

Baylee: "Can we go, Sammy!? Can we?!"

*Sammy thought for a minute*

Sammy: "I don't think so, Baylee. You have to run the fair and I have to take care of the plants."

Baylee: "Please Sammy! I can close the fair for a bit, and maybe Kat can look over your plants for you?"

Kat: "I wouldn't mind."

Sammy: "Fine... We can go."

Baylee: "YES!!"

Kat: "Ok, time to go to the farm."

*Kat teleports them to the void*

Kat: "I realized that before I sent you guys there, you'll need to know a few things. Yes, there are a couple of kids there who might play with you, Baylee, and one person there with hearing like yours."

Baylee: "Cool!"

Kat: "Sammy, let me know if you get a deja vu feeling."

Sammy: "Ok..?"

Kat: "They had a very sad challenge so most of them won't be all perked up."

Baylee: "Oh... Ok."

Sammy: "Alright.."

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