A Girl Friend Or A Girlfriend

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Hey guys!
The third chapter!
Please enjoy :)

"I'm still going to beat the crap out of him!" Yelled Luffy furiously after the 'Arlong incident'.
"What ever you say, Luffy, just don't do anything stupid in the school." Said Zoro.
"What's our first class?" Asked Usopp while taking his textbook out of his locker.
"It's Biology." Answered Law.
"Who's the teacher?" Asked Nami.
"It's Caesar Clown." Said Law.
"How did you know?" Asked Luffy.
"You really are an idiot, it's on the schedule." Said Kid.
"Oh ok, let's go." Yelled Luffy and everybody sighed.

When they arrived at the classroom, the teacher wasn't there either.
"Why is the teacher late again?" Said Zoro.
"Maybe the teacher is a moron like you." Said Sanji, smirking.
"Stupid cook, you wanna fight?"
"Yeah bring it--"
"CAN YOU TWO STOP ACTING LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN? IT'S THE FOURTH TIME TODAY!!" Yelled Nami and she yanked the two's ears and dragged them to the back of the room.
"They'll never stop fighting." Sighed Usopp, and Robin giggled. Suddenly, someone called from behind.
"H-hi, L-Luffy." They turned around to see who it was.
"Oh hi Hancock." Grinned Luffy. It was Boa Hancock. Everyone said hi to her and Luffy went to sit next to her and started a conversation with her.
"I guess Luffy left us again." Said Robin.
"Do you have any idea who that girl is?" Asked Law.
"Nope, we don't know her either, but she sure is hot." Answer Usopp, and they all went to the back to sit with Zoro, Nami and Sanji.
"Where is Luffy?" Asked Sanji.
"There, next to that pretty girl." Said Brook, pointing toward Luffy.
"WHAT!?" Exclaimed Sanji. "Why does Luffy always get to sit with a beautiful lady and I can only sit with this shitty Marimo? That's not fair! Not fair at all!!"
"Eh? What did you say? Stupid eyebrow?"
"I said you're a shitty Marimo."
"IF YOU TWO EVER START A FIGHT AGAIN TODAY I SWEAR I'LL SLICE YOU INTO PIECES!!" Shouted Nami. The two gulped and stop arguing. After a few seconds the door swung open.
"Sorry I'm late class. Some students stopped me and asked me questions about chemistry, and they were quite difficult so I was a bit delayed. Now I will introduce myself. My name is Caesar Clown--" Suddenly Luffy burst into laughing. Caesar looked a bit angry and said,
"May I ask you why are you laughing?"
"Shishishi, sorry, your name is just too funny, shishishi."
"Why is my name funny?" Asked Caesar.
"Because clowns are funny and your name is Clown. Hehehehehe"
"Just shut up and don't interrupt me again." Said Caesae, a bit pissed.
"Ok ok, sorry." Said Luffy, still trying hard not to laugh. Caesar glared at him and started to talk again.
"As I was saying, I am a scientist and I will also be teaching you chenmistry." Everyone in the classroom nodded.
"I assume you all know what Devil Fruits are, am I correct?" Everyone nodded again.
"Very well, then let's start the class with a little quiz." Everyone frowned and took out their pencil and started to answer the questions.

After about thirty minutes, everyone had finished their quiz and handed it to Caesar.
"Hm...It seems that everyone here has a wealth of knowledge about Devil Fruits. Very good, let's start the lesson now." After about twenty minutes, the bell rang and all of them went out of the classroom.
"LUFFY!!" Yelled Sanji, his eye turning into fire.
"How dare you!" Yelled Sanji, and he grabbed the collar of his uniform.
"W-Wait, what did I do wrong?" Asked Luffy blankly.
"How dare you to sit next to a beautiful lady like her! It should be me! Do you know how it felt when you're stuck with that stupid Marimo for almost one hour--"
"Who are you? " Asked Hancock. Sanji suddenly changed into a completely different mood. He kneeled in front of her and held her hand.
"My name is Sanji, my dearest lady. Would you like a cup of tea I made by my love?" Asked Sanji, holding a cup of tea.
"No. And if you ever talk to Luffy like that again I'll rip your head off your neck." Said Hancock coldly. Sanji turned into a gargoyle after she rejected him. Everyone sweat dropped.
"So...what's your name and why do you two know each other?" Asked Nami.
"Her name is Boa Hancock. And she and I live in the same apartment, she lives on the fourth floor and I live on the fifth floor." Said Luffy.
"She moved in three months ago but I never had the chance to introduce her to you guys."
"Oh ok, I see." Said Nami. And the nine of them introduce themselves and started to walk to their next class.
"What's our next lesson?" Asked Luffy.
"We'll be separated the next class." Said Kid.
"Trafalgar, Chopper, Franky and I will have English for the next lesson. And the rest of you will take math for the next lesson."
"Wow, how did you know that?" Asked Luffy.
"Check your schedule, you idiot!" Said Kid, a bit annoyed.
"Ok then, see you guys later." Said Luffy cheerfully, and they left.

"Hey Luffy." Whispered Nami.
"Yeah?" Answered Luffy.
"Do you like Hancock?" She asked?
"Why do you ask?" Said Luffy.
"She likes you, it's very obvious."
"How could you tell?"
"She was blushing the whole time when she was talking to you, didn't you notice that?"
"Yeah, I did. I thought it was because she caught a cold or something." Answered Luffy. Nami sighed.
"Well, I don't expect you to understand that in the first place. Now answer my question, do you like her or not?" Said Nami.
"Of course I like her, she's my friend."
"No, I mean the other kind of like. Do you love her?"
"Eh... I never thought of that before, hehe." Said Luffy, still grinning his childish grin.
"Luffy, I'm serious now." Said Nami seriously. Luffy's grin faded, it's replaced by a serious look.
"I understand, and I think I do love her, she became my friend the first time we met. She was always taking care of me and helping me, I'd break her heart if I reject her, wouldn't I? I just never thought about how I feel about her before." Said Luffy. Nami was a bit shock. She never thought Luffy would say something that serious.
"...Thank god you understand." She smiled again, and Luffy's usual grin was back on his face, too.
"Looks like Luffy's going to get a girlfriend soon." Said Robin, smiling.
"Yeah, never thought he would get a girlfriend before I got one." Said Zoro, smirking. And all of them enter the classroom and started their lesson.

The rest of the day was very normal, except Luffy got a detention from his math teacher, Smoker, because he kept talking during the class and called Smoker "Smoky" all the time. When Luffy was allowed to go home, it was almost six o'clock. He thought he was going home alone but he saw Hancock standing under a tree near the gate when he walked out of the school.
"Hey! Hancock!" Yelled Luffy.
"Oh! H-hi, Luffy." Said Hancock, she's now blushing madly.
"Why didn't you go home?" Asked Luffy.
"I-I'm w-waiting for you,
L-Luffy. I w-want to walk home w-with you." Said Hancock.
"Oh ok, let's go, it's getting late." He grabbed her hand and started to walk.
"L-Luffy, d-do you l-like me?" Asked Hancock after a few minutes of silence.
"Of course I do, you're my friend." Answered Luffy, grinning. There was an awkward silence. "Hancock?"
"Y-yes, Luffy?"
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Yes! Finally! Chapter three is done. How do you think?

Comments please?

Thanks for reading ^.^

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